Chapter 2: It's For Her

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In the darkness of a decrepit warehouse, multiple dark figures hid within the shadows. Three stern men, two of them clothed in all black and the other in a forest green military uniform. General Georgi Luchkov, a highly decorated soldier, unafraid of using intimidation to get what he and his country needed, though still afraid of getting blood on his own hands. 

The last remaining person, a red-haired woman, tied to a wooden chair, her pale wrists bound to the legs. She wore a revealing black dress with matching stockings, her coal-colored stilettos strewn across the room.

The woman's blue eyes follow the leader as he paced back and forth before the back of one of the goons' hands met her cheek. A pained yelp escaped her painted lips.

"This isn't how I wanted this evening to go." The man in uniform speaks, the Russian language flowing off his tongue.

"I know how you wanted this evening to go. Believe me...this is better." She responded, her words dripping with venom.

"Who are you working for? Lermentov, yes?"

The taller thug whose hand was still imprinted on her cheek walked closer making her flinch slightly. He grasped the back of her chair and leaned it back over a large pit, hundreds of feet deep. Her toes reached desperately for any type of solid ground she could hold onto.

"Does he think we have to go through him to move our cargo?" The general asked casually.

"I though General Solohob is in charge of the export business."

"Solohob." He chuckled, unknowingly giving the woman the information she needed, "A bagman, a front. Your outdated information betrays you. The famous Black Widow is just another pretty face."

"You really think I'm pretty?" The Black Widow, a.k.a. Natasha Romanoff, wonders, eyebrows raised curiously.

The tall thug next to her grabbed her lower jaw, forcing her mouth wide open. Luchkov walked over to a rickety table; every inch of it covered in different tools.

"Tell Lermentov we don't need him to move the tanks. Tell him he is out--Well..." He hesitated as he grasped a pair of large pliers in his calloused hands, playing with them, opening and closing the strong jaws. Then glancing over his broad shoulder, smirking, "You may have a write it."

Out of the blue, a cellphone started ringing, the shorter of the two goons pulling a silver phone from his jacket pocket. With a confused expression plastered on his face, he hesitantly answered the call. His face contorted as the person on the other end talked to him. Eyebrows scrunched together; he finally spoke after a moment of silence. 

"It's for her."

His boss then snatched the phone from his hands, lifting it up to his ear. "You listen carefully--" Georgi snapped, this time in English.

"You're at one-fourteen Silensky Plaza, third floor. We have an F-22 exactly eight miles out. Put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby." A young girl's voice chirps through the receiver.

The uniformed man, alarmed by the message and a bit unnerved by who seemed to be on the other end of the call, hesitantly placed the phone next to the bewildered woman's ear. She squeezed the silver object between her ear and her shoulder.

"Nat, we need you to come in." The small voice, one that she could never forget, spoke.

"Are you kidding? I'm working." Natasha demanded, using English so the girl could understand, even though the woman had taught her the language many years ago, leaving the girl comfortable with the language as much as her own.

"But it's important."

"Kat, I'm in the middle of an interrogation, and this moron is giving me everything."

"I--I not give everything." Luchkov whispered in broken English, denying the accusation.

The red head shot the man a disapproving look. 

"Yes, and I'm sure you're doing great! And I'm really, really sorry. You know I would never bother you while you were working if it wasn't important. But Fury needs you to come in, and I agree. Something happened to Cl--" Kat rambled, all in one breath, before she was cut off.

"Look, you can't pull me out of this right now."



"Clint's been compromised."

"...Let me put you on hold."

On the other end of the phone call, Kat stood in the middle of the bridge of the helicarrier. Rocking back and forth on her heels, she listened patiently to the sounds of the scuffle. In one hand was her phone, the other fiddling with the arrow and hourglass charms on her silver necklace.

Eventually, the call quieted down, and she could hear the cellphone being picked up off the cold, cement ground.

"Where is he now?" Natasha wondered, concerned for her friend. The girl then spoke in a defeat tone, sighing; her cheerful tone gone completely. "We don't know."

"But he's alive?"

"We think so." Kat answered staring at a monitor, a video clip of her two best friends battling alongside each other in a previous fight. "I'll brief you on everything when you get back. But first, we need you to talk to the big guy."

"Kat, you know that Stark trusts me about as far as he can throw me." Nat points out.

Chuckling, her best friend corrects her. The woman can almost hear the smirk through the speak. "Oh, Coulson and I've got Stark. You get the big guy."

The red-head froze mid-step, shocked at her newest assignment.

Returning to her native tongue, the exclaimed in a whisper, "My God."


Author's Note: Hi All, sorry for the short chapter. I really wanted to include this scene, just to introduce Kat and Nat's friendship. I wanted to redo the dialogue but nothing else seemed right. It's changed slightly at some portions, but not much. 

Again, I believe I have said this before, but I will say it again. All rights to the original movie, characters, and their dialogue belong to Marvel. I only own Katrina, her portion of the storyline, and the majority of her dialogue. Though, she will say some lines that original characters do only due to the fact that she would've said them if she were actually a character in the movie. But, at least, 98 percent if not more of her dialogue is really her own and my own creation.

Also, I do want to say that this is not a romance of any kind. I know that is more popular, but this is an introduction to her and all the other Avengers, plus she is still a kid, so it would be unlikely in the first place. 

If you guys have any questions about Katrina, please feel free to comment. I would be so happy to answer them. But I hope you all have a great night. The next chapter will be up next Friday.

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