Chapter 8: Miss Me?

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"Agent Romanoff, Agent Hart, you miss me?" Tony Stark wondered, the cockiness thick in his voice as he flew over the city.

Suddenly, the quinjet's speaker crackled once again, blaring AC/DC's "Shoot to Thrill". The corners of Kat's eyes crinkle into a strained smile behind her mask as she chuckled in a hushed tone to Loki, "Oh, you're so screwed now."

Loki, confused as to what was going on, he stared at the sky when the faint sound of a thruster began to grow louder as he rose to his full height, though he still stood over her with his heel jammed into her leg as she panted heavily.

A ruby and gold streak soared across the star-speckled night sky, making Kat sigh in relief at the welcomed sight. The famous Iron-Man flew down and fired a blast from his repulsors in the palms of his metal suit. The blows hit Loki square in the chest, sending him hurtling into the concrete steps a few yards away.

Tony lands, cracking the concrete beneath his feet, aiming multiple missiles at the Asgardian. "Make a move reindeer games." Tony dared the god, watching as Loki raised his hands in surrender and his armor disappears. "Good move."

Captain Rogers staggered over to Katrina as she moved into a sitting position, holding her ribs as they throbbed. Tenderly he grabs her hand, effortlessly lifts her off the cold concrete. "You okay, kid?"

"Yeah, just a few bruises, I'll live." She groaned, grimacing from the pain spreading in her leg as she pulled her mask down. The bullet wound in her leg had healed the day after she had gotten it, but there was still a nasty bruise on the bone.

Both of their uneven steps echoed as they made their way towards Tony; the quinjet came in for a landing in the deserted streets, blowing the wisps of hairs that had escaped her braid into her face.

"Mister Stark." Cap pants, greeting the man to his right.


"Tony." Kat greeted from Tony's right, a sheer layer of sweat covering her trembling and exhausted body, still holding her ribs as they began to shift back into place and heal.

"Agent Hart." He replied , earning an eye roll from the girl. "You good, Kat?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? Yes, I'm fine. I'll heal." She snapped, limping away to cuff Loki.

I'm fine.


Once Loki was secure inside the quinjet, they set off toward the main helicarrier. Dark clouds drifted around as Nat piloted the jet; Steve, Tony, Loki, and Kat sat in the cargo area attempting to rest after the tiring battle.

Kat was seated in one the chairs mounted to the sleek, gray walls, gritting her teeth, and groaning as Tony helped wrap a bandage around her ribcage.

"Stop being a baby." Tony muttered as she continued to groan and make a fuss.

"I'm not being a baby! You are." She snapped, leaning back in her seat, squirming at the uncomfortable feeling of small fragments of bone shifting under her skin.

He looked at her strangely, "How am I the baby? That doesn't make any sense."

"I don't know! Okay? But you try having your bones shift around and magically shove themselves back into place. Believe me, it's not fun!"

Tony chuckled at her rant, patting her knee, "You'll be fine." He rose to his feet, standing next to Cap, periodically over at the injured girl.

"I don't like it." Cap admits.

"What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Stark wonders, observing a stare-off between Kat and Loki. Loki's stare was mischievous and malicious, though Kat's held a quiet fury, which scared Tony slightly more. "Okay. That's enough. Go help Romanoff fly the jet." Tony orders, watching as the girl silently obliges, limping towards the cockpit, quickly gazing over at Loki one last time before taking a seat next to Nat and strapping herself in.

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