"Ren? Yo, Ren, Ren Suzuki? Hellloooo?" Kirishima came up me.

I realized I was staring off into space. Breaking out of my trance I looked up at him, "Oh, actually...I hurt my shoulder, and I have to go to the bathroom. So I might be slower getting ready."

The others ears perked up listening in.

"How did you hurt your shoulder man!" Kirishima looked down at the shoulder I gestured at. 

Denki walked up to me, "Hey there," sarcasm draped with curiosity "would it hurt it I touch it?" his figure inches way from me.

I groaned inwardly. My entire shoulder was covered in a dark purple bruise green starting to appear. It was completely num. The coloring will only get worse. I know it will raise a red flag with the caterpillar man, but underplaying it should tell him its bad given our first experience *cough, cough* getting hit by a car. Plus the fact that I complained about it will tell him it's pretty bad.

Yesterday was hard. As soon as school got out I had to run to my job at the Cafe. I had an eight hour shift. I didn't get a break because my co-worker got sick and left and no one could come in. Then I got a call from the library about how they needed me to come in and put away a hug cart of books because the district manager was coming tomorrow morning. I finished at 2 am. Then when I was out patrolling it was a rough. I took a nasty blow to my shoulder. More accurately it was crushed.

"Man, you know that would hurt!" I swatted Denki's hand away. "I accidentally hit it pretty hard, well more like crushed it." I mumbled the last part under my breath.

"Ren, are you ok? What do you mean by crushed! You should go to RG!" Uraraka, came up to me worry all over her face. 

"I'm fine, it will heal. You see I work at the library and I wasn't tall enough to put a book on the shelf. I was too lazy to get the ladder so I climbed up It and the shelve fell on my shoulder. Most commotion I've ever seen there." I gave a light chuckle, feeling proud of the lie. Well mostly lie, I was in fact crushed. "So no thank you. I don't want you guys seeing how pathetic I am when you don't see a bruise."

I got most of the class to chuckle at that.


I have a problem. I can't lift my arm up high enough to take off my shirt. 

I walked back out of the stall, and walked up to the mirror. I ben't down and washed my face. The cheep coverup I've been using came off. Showing the bags under my eyes'. In all honesty I looked like I was sick. I walked out of the bathroom gym clothes in hand. 

"I AM HERE! LOOKS LIKE WE ARE BOTH RUNNING  A LITTLE LATE TODAY, YOUNG MAN!" Out of every situation that he could have done, he put his hand down on my shoulder and squeezed. "LETS HURRY SO I-WE WONT BE LATE TO MY NEXT CLASS!" My face must have turned so white, that All might took a step back, "YOUNG MAN, IT LOOKS LIKE YOU DO NOT FEEL WELL." 

"I think I'm going to sit your class out." I looked down truly feeling sorry. I walked away dejected as All Might squeezed my shoulder one last time and looked at me sincerely, then rushed off. 

I walked back into class 1-A. Sensing Aizawa hiding under his desk. "Hmm sensei do you have another sleeping bag?" 

His head slide out from wherever it was looking at me. "Top drawer kid. It's an Extra large."

I pulled the drawer open and saw another sleeping bag packed into it. I dragged it across the floor to the opposite end of where Aizawa was. I opened one of the closest in the back of the class climbing into both closest and sleeping bag leaving myself in complete darkness. 


"Okay, class dismissed." 

All the tapping toes jumped up when the bell rang.

"Hey guys lets go get ice cream"

"YAH! who else is in?"

The feet left the room clattering down the halls. Aizawa walked over to the closest. Opening it he saw that Ren had unzipped the sleeping bag and made it into a bed. He was laying on his back his wings pressed against his back. He was curled up into a tight ball. Aizawa was surprised when he looked at the boy expecting to see peaceful sleeping. He was completely wrong. The boy was crying, shaking in his sleep. 

Aizawa bent down and tapped Ren. Ren tensed and within a second he braced his leg against, the wall and shot himself out of the closest talking a fighting potion. His eye's widened, then he looked around the class. 

'I really fell asleep' Ren thought. 

On the other hand Eraserhead thought, 'He looks worse.'

"Kid," Shota whispered "What are you hiding?"


Shota POV:

"Kid" I whispered, "What are you hiding?"

The kid dropped his fighting position, his hand flying up to his neck, a nervous tic. Then he simply said one word.  "Pain."


This Chapter Sucks. I haven't updated in a long time....my bad.

I didn't update because I moved Very, Very far away. But I really like writing and this makes me happy. 

Thanks for reading this story :)

Also this Chapter might have a ton of mistakes, something happened with my WORD so I can't use it right now. 

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