I'm sad to see this book come to in end. And the last title didn't make tons of sense but, whatever😂.

Thank you all so much for reading this book! It means a lot to me.

And please tell me how I did on the first and second book!

Again thank you for reading both the books. If you have any questions whatsoever please ask them and I will try to do my best to explain them.

Also (if you want to) go and read some of my other stories that I'm working on. And tell me what you think of them too! I'm working on one right now called Skylar James Hook. I'm liking writing it. I have some plans with that book too. I'm also writing another book called The Mafia War.
Melody's life was always a mess. She was always escorted wherever she went by her family's bodyguards,she wasn't aloud to do much but when she did she would hangout with her only friend Thea Wells. And when she meets a new guy it causes lot of problems from the past that she wants to forget those wounds open up once more.

Liam Anderson his life was revolved around his fathers death when he was 17. He's had them watching that house for a year and a half. Soon what he's been planing will finally come into motion...just needs the right opportunity.

(Her Life)
I was turning 19 which meant I should be able to leave my own home since once your 18 you can go off on your own and find out who you are. Not in my case though. My family didn't let me do anything but stay at home and did college online. Parents says it's to dangerous for me to leave till I'm at least in my late 40s.

But for the first time in years my parents were finally leaving me alone...in a sense. They were going to Pairs for some business trip. They owned thousands of different types of buildings from restaurants to strip clubs.

(His Life)

My father left the mafia to me when he and my mother died. I am after all the only heir to his 'throne'. I've been doing this for five years, I'm now 22 years old. My parents died when the Fawson's met up with them and they killed them. But now revenge is mine. After all my Mafia will be the strongest in New York once I take the Fawson's mafia down.

That's the Mafia Girl Book

Please go check it! I'm actually really enjoying writing that book like a lot and I'd love others opinions about it.
Astrid's had a hard life even if she's a princess. Has an abusive father and a fiancé who's a pig. She wants to be free and not have anything to do with this life.

When the Prince Roman proposes to her, she comes to the realisation that he is almost like her father.

When they have a ball to announce their engagement. When she meets a mysterious man Astrid is drawn to him immediately. After one dance pirates invade her home and her and the man find away to run off and do whatever it takes to not be seen. But when they think that they've succeeded two pirates knock the man out and take her captive.

When she finds out that they don't want her just for ransom but for something else she fears for her life and has no idea what to do.

But she did ask for the adventure.

Find out the journey she takes with the pirates and see how the her story ends and the adventure she takes.

The return of Wendy Darling and Peter Pan (book two)Where stories live. Discover now