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Felix's POV

Peter had been right about the Hollow being horrid and dangerous. I can't even explain what even felt there. All it felt like the darkness was surrounding me. It was giving ideas of killing every single List Boy on the island. But the second I stepped away those thoughts slowly started to disappear.

As we started our way back to Hangman's tree everything in the forest seemed quiet. There wasn't a sound of birds chirping and the sound fairies made was gone. As Hangman's Tree came into view one of the Lost Boys started poking me on my arm.

"What's up Cassius?" I asked.

"Is Peter gonna be here with Wendy soon?"

I didn't know what to say. Peter had told me stories of the Hollow and how it made Hook more ruthless every time he came back out.

"Let's hope so."

We all headed inside Hangman's Tree and started to hear footsteps coming toward the entrance. I could see the excitement on lots of the boys' faces.

"Everyone keeps..." I started but Micheal started shouting out,

"Wendy's back!"

As he was inches away the secret door was opened but it wasn't Wendy or Peter, it was pirates. I could see Micheal shaking in fear. I heard swords from both sides of the room getting ready to fight.

"Micheal, get over here!" Tips called out.

I could hear all the other boys calling out to Micheal to tell him to get over here. I saw a pirate reaching out to grab Micheal's right arm.

"Micheal!" Wolfie yelled. I turned to see him booking it to try to help out Micheal but he had gotten caught by one of the pirates by his hair.

As the pirate with the pirate ship flag on his right arm picked up Wolfie by his hair. He then threw him over towards another pirate and that pirate pulled out a knife and pushed it close to his throat.

"Now here's what's gonna happen." The pirate said, I looked at Micheal and he was over a pirate's shoulder kicking him as hard as he could. But as tiny as he was, it wasn't very effective. "You're gonna put every single weapon down on the floor or you're gonna have to explain to Peter and Wendy how they lost two of their Lost Boys. And from the looks of one of them..." the pirate looked towards Micheal and back towards me and the Lost Boys, "it looks like one of miss Wendy's brothers along with that one." He pointed towards John. A few of the Lost Boys around John moved closer toward him.

"What do we do if we don't and we still get Wolfie and Micheal back and in the process kill the lot of you?" Cato asked.

"It won't be very likely considering that there are more of us and there are more of us than you." The pirate responded.

"Never stopped us before," Beckett said.

"That's because Peter was there." Another pirate piped up.

"Now give up or two of your friends die in front of you."

I gripped my sword tighter and looked around me to see the Lost Boys getting ready to fight. But I looked at Wolfie and Micheal and saw the terror in their eyes. Peter wouldn't let these pirates get away with this; he'd fight till the death. But then he met Wendy and it changed him...and all of us.

"Fine," I mumbled and threw my sword toward them.

"Felix, are you sure you wanna do this?" The twins asked me.

"I'm doing this for Wendy. She loves all of us...she'd kill us if we let two of her family die because we wanted to fight. We need our energy to fight another day." I said.

That's when I heard swords drop like none other.

I saw the pirate "in charge" look at the two pirates holding Micheal and Wolfie a nod and they went outside.

"Now let's see..." the pirate started. I saw him glancing at us one by one and pointed at Tips and two pirates came towards him, "You come first."

I stepped in the way, "What are you doing? Nobody's taken him or anyone till I get an answer. We surrendered so we at least should know why your looking at us and pointing like we're some kind of animals."

"If you're asking me if we're leading one of you one by one to go outside to be killed, you are mistaken by our intentions. Hook wants you to watch the downfall of Peter. And Hook hasn't decided what to do next with you. But I suggest you move or I will kill you myself."

"It's okay Felix I'm fine." Tips said.

Once Tips moved in front of me one of the pirates shoved me aside and the other one picked up Tips like he was a sack of potatoes.

The pirate took us one by one till it was just me.

"Now do what they've been doing outside and then will be good to go. Just be careful...he's like Peter." The pirate said as he was walking out the door. There were four pirates two of them grabbed my arms while one tied them behind my back.

"Hold on there's one thing I must do first." One of the pirates said. I saw his fist starting to tense into a ball and that's when I started to struggle and I felt their nails digging more and more into my skin. That's when the pirate punched me on the right side of my face.

"Feel better?" The pirate on my left asked.

"Much." He responded. "Now let's go."

That's when the one behind me shoved me while the other two holdings me yanked me forward. Once we stepped outside I saw each Lost Boy being held by one or two pirates depending on their size.

"Now everyone listen up!" The pirate in charge started, "this is for Hook!" I saw him grab a torch and lit Hangman's Tree on fire.

Hey guys sorry for putting in this chapter in so late lots going on and just been busy with stuff. Honest opinions about this chapter. I'd appreciate it tons!!!

The return of Wendy Darling and Peter Pan (book two)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora