She said her name was Tiger Lily

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Hooks POV


Today's the day I win.

I'll get my revenge on him and the Lost Boys.

I know what to do with them, make them join me or die. And I know I said I wanted to kill precious little Wendy. Now thinking about it I could use her to help around the deck when we leave this dreadful place. I already defatted Tiger Lily and her family, I would soon have the Lost Boys in my possession, and soon she would help me capture Peter and watch me as I slowly torture him and watch as he cries out and every Lost Boy watches their gallant leader die. And then the love of his dreadful and miserable life would have a front-row seat to this.

The three men I kept with me were starting to get impatient.

"Cap I know we're supposed to be quiet in all but where is he?" The first pirate said.

"It feels like it's been years waiting for him." The second pirate said.

"More like decades." The third pirate snickered.

He was right maybe Peter didn't love her as much as I thought.

I finally decided to give in. "Fine let's..."


"Wendy? You over here?"

Show time.


Wendy's POV

No no no this can't happen! He shouldn't be here!

"Wendy?" Peter whispered.

I felt someone stab me in the side with something making me groan in pain.

I saw his face. It seemed dirty and he had dirt all over his body. He stepped a few steps closer but time froze. Not like slow motion or anything. He didn't move a muscle. I turned to see that Hook and his goons were peering over the corner with some of the biggest grins I'd ever seen. But like Peter no movement nothing. I suddenly was out of the bamboo cage but I turned to see myself still in it.

"What's going on?" I said out loud realizing that nothing or nobody could hear me.

"Hi, Wendy." A voice said.

I flipped around to see one of the most beautiful girls I'd ever seen. Her hair was in braids that went all the way down to her waist. It seemed silky and smooth.

"I don't know who you are. How do I know your Hollow just in disguise."

"You don't."

"That's reassuring."

"But you have my word that I'm not Hollow. I'm Tiger Lily."

I had a gut feeling telling me to trust Tiger Lily. I nodded saying I would trust her. "What can I do for you?"

"I know Hook's plans and you can postpone them for a while to help the Lost Boys and Peter  to find a way to escape once you hit the Jolly Roger..."Tiger Lily paused not wanting to look me in the eye.

"What is it? Please if it helps them I'll do it." I pleaded walking closer to her.

Tiger Lily sighed and started to look me in the eye, "You remember the fairytales of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty."

The return of Wendy Darling and Peter Pan (book two)Where stories live. Discover now