Its not the end...its just the beggining

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Cassius POV

I'd heard everything that Wendy had said to Peter. I could tell it hurt him deeply. They'd tied me up to a tree and gagged me and left a knife far enough from me but it somehow seemed hard to grab.

One of the pirates whispered to me before leaving "Hook said to say nothin' till sundown or he will hurt or kill Wendy. And trust me he will know."

Poor Wendy, she must be so scared. I barely saw what they did to her but, from the looks of was bad. And Peter couldn't do a thing about it. Not until Hook summoned him. It wasn't like him, he would've charged if it was a lost boy. But Wendy told all of us not to go for her and she didn't want us to get killed. I was the only one who said we could rescue her and wouldn't get her or us killed. But nobody listened no one even tried to rescue her. But then again that's how I'd gotten into this mess. I ran off to rescue her, I didn't believe what the others had said, but that's how I got caught. I was being reckless and an idiot.

When the afternoon approached I'd finally gotten free of the ropes and bolted for the camp. After an hour or two I finally reached camp and saw Peter.

"Peter!" I shouted.

"Where have you been?! We've been looking for you for a while and thought you'd gotten hurt or worse!" Peter shouted. The whole camp was now staring at us.

"I'm sorry Peter I was..." That's when I remembered the pirate said not to say anything to Peter or he'd hurt Wendy.

"Where we're you Cassius?" Peter asked impatiently.

"I...I can't say anything Peter not yet. I will be at sundown. Trust me, Peter, it's for the best okay!"


"Peter, I can't say anything!"

Felix piped in, "Peter I'm on your side always but, please trust Cassius on this. He looks afraid."

"You have no idea," I mumbled.

"Fine! We will talk at sundown." Peter said impatiently waiting till sundown approached.


Wendy's POV

They'd tied my hands once we got to the tiny boat. I was crying the entire way back to the Jolly Roger. I kept thinking to myself that everything from the day John ran off to now was my fault...and it was a burden to carry.

As we approached the Jolly Roger I noticed that only one pirate was on the ship. It was Mr. Smee. I'd rarely seen him but he only got here before I'd been captured. He was old but seemed strong enough to defend himself.

"Smee! Set the ladder down." Hook shouted and looked over at me. "And Mullins leave the ropes on and bring her to my office and when we're done take her down to the brig. But put her in the one with chains." Hook chuckled. I just glared at him.

Once all the pirates had reached the Jolly Roger, Mullins had yanked me to Captain Hook's office. Which was near the back of the ship. After a moment Mullins and I entered Hook's office. Mullins shoved me onto one of the chairs and untied my wrists but held one.

"Listen here...if it were up to me you would be dead. But Cap says you have more use. I don't believe that." Mullins whispered.

I felt the cold metal of the side of the chair touch my arm. He tied my hand that he had held onto. And then he grabbed another rope and tied my other hand to the other side.

"Sit tight, maybe awhile," Mullins said and softly patted my cheek which I thought was quite weird.

After he left I tried to free my hands from the chair but it was no use. The ropes were once again digging into my raw flesh where the previous ropes had been. After an hour I'd given up. Smee came in a little bit later and had given me a little food and water. He'd apologized that Hook was gone for such a long time. He'd said Hook was yelling a lot and was telling the crew that he had lots to do. Smee also said that he'd gotten drunk and passed out on his bed.

The return of Wendy Darling and Peter Pan (book two)Where stories live. Discover now