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(Again only the prologue is Wendy's POV)

I'd asked myself every day for the past two weeks why Peter hadn't come and rescued me from here. But secretly I knew exactly why. Hook had most likely threatened Peter about something and that he would kill me if he didn't do exactly what he said. And if it were Peter in my shoes...I would do the same. But a girl can dream of someone she cares deeply about...right?

I'd been sitting down almost always. It felt like hours before I heard someone come down to the brig.

"Cap'n wants to see you."

I knew who it was before he even spoke.

"Mullins like I said earlier I'm not leaving. Captain Hook doesn't control nor owns me."

Mullin's name wasn't scary but the guy who had the name...sent shivers down my spine almost all the time.

"Oh...Cap'n said you'd say something like that..." he yanked open the door and yanked me up to my feet, "so he said to come and grab you and take you to him even if I had to drag you there."

I squirmed a little trying to get my arm freed from his tight grip. "Let go of me, Mullins!"

"No!" Mullins shouted. Even though I did everything to try to break free from his grip, he'd turned to me and glared at me. I knew what that meant...he'd done it before. He'd slapped me so hard one time that I hit my head on the floor and  I threw up on his shoes. He'd gotten in trouble but, I knew he'd do it again if need be. And with that, we were heading up to Hooks office.

Hey guys thanks for reading all the way up till book two! I have such big plans for this one!! I know I said that a lot in my last one but I did and I put them in there. And sorry that it's a tad bit short😬.

Oh and tell me how my prologue is!!

The return of Wendy Darling and Peter Pan (book two)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon