"Good morning..." He whispered without moving to get his phone.

"Same to you. You gonna get that?" He sighed and sat up to reach over me and grab his phone from his bedside table.

"Hello?" He asked quietly.

Whoever was on the phone was reading him off some list of things he had to do, leading me to believe that it was Charlotte. I was too distracted by the fact that he was still half leaning over me and close enough that I could feel his breath on my face to hear exactly what they were saying. I could just lean up right now and kiss him, it would be that easy. But I was quick to push those thoughts away as he made a funny face, clearly aware that I was staring at him. It made me giggle and he quickly dropped the face as the person on the line yelled something at him.

"Chill Charlotte. It's just Maeve," He held the phone to my face," Say hi or else she's going to think I answered this call with a one night stand in my bed." I laughed loudly before taking the phone from his hand.

"That's all you think of me as Charlotte? A one-night stand? Seems kinda rude, I'm at least three dates quality." Daniel laughed loudly as I spoke to Charlotte.

"Oh good heavens no! I was just surprised at your little giggle. What has you acting like a schoolgirl?" I sighed.

"Your driver just made a funny face and he doesn't know what personal space is. I'm going to give the phone back now." I held the phone up in the small space and Daniel took it back.

"Yes, we are going to get ready now to get on the jet. Any other questions?" She said something too quiet for me to hear then that had Daniel clearing his throat.

"We can talk about that tonight. Goodbye Charlotte." He hit the end call button and unceremoniously dropped his phone on the bed beside us before collapsing on top of me. His arms wrapped around my waist and his head was in the crook of my neck, making me wrap my arms around his shoulders as our legs tangled together.

"This isn't getting ready for the jet Daniel..." I mocked him. He just groaned against my neck, the vibrations of it making me bite my lip to prevent me from saying anything.

"We are just getting back to normal, can you blame me for wanting my best friend and I to sit in my room all day doing nothing?" My face relaxed and I brought my right hand up to stroke the unruly curls on his head as he settled against me further.

"I can promise you all night of doing nothing if you want. We have to get to Montreal though." He groaned again, this time as he sat up.

"Fine, but I think I've earned more of you holding me tonight." I laughed loudly as he got up from the bed and made his way into the closet.

"I think I can give you at least one night after you took care of me for a week..." He didn't respond as I stood up to go to my suitcase and pulled out my outfit for the plane. A pair of black leggings and an old nirvana shirt that I had thrifted. It was one of my favorite shirts I owned. Usually it didn't come on the road with me, but it felt right this time.

"Let's get one thing straight," He announced loudly as he came out of the closet in a haste. Now dressed in skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt," I was just kidding." He came over to me so fast I thought I'd get whiplash from the force of him now standing in front of me.

"Even if you were, you just took care of me for a week. You were so patient about everything... I don't think I would've come out of that without you..." I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest in a hug.

"I'll always be here for you Maeve, but you don't owe me anything for that. You never will." He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.

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