Chapter 35 - Lost Chance

Start from the beginning

                And then after what felt like an eternity, she suddenly started feeling numb. She wasn’t feeling anything else anymore except the horrible feeling of wanting to throw up everything inside of her but couldn’t because she didn’t actually have anything inside to throw up. She hadn’t eaten the whole day and it was what was killing her right now. But she was thankful for that, because it was all she could allow herself to feel. She also couldn’t feel her legs, which was why she fell on her first attempt to stand. She tried again but her legs couldn’t support her weight even though she felt lighter than she ever felt her entire life. So she gave up, and just let her body fall on the soft cushion under her.

                But after a short while, she felt warmth on her face. She tried opening her eyes but all she could see was a total blur. Someone was speaking to her, she was certain of that but she couldn’t make out who it was and it made her head spin even more.

                “Who are you?” she attempted to say without slurring the words, to no avail. “Get out of here, I just want to sleep.”

                The other again said something, inaudible to Taylor’s ear and suddenly she felt her body getting hoisted as an arm wrapped around her body. She felt herself move without actually moving her legs. She tried to resist it but she felt too weak and so she just let whoever was holding her drag her away from her solitary place for the last two hours, before succumbing to the darkness that had been pulling her for quite some time now.


                “Hello?” answered Laura, irritated at whoever was calling at this ungodly hour. She looked at the clock beside her and it read 2:17AM.

                “Hi, Laura?”

                It was a familiar voice of a male but Laura didn’t bother thinking whoever it was, still annoyed at the interruption of her sleep.

                “I’m sorry, I knew I woke you but I didn’t know who else to call. It’s Taylor.”

                That’s when Laura felt every inch of her come to life. She then realized who had called her. It was Bryan, the owner of the private bar she and Taylor always went to whenever they felt like being away from everyone they knew and just bask in on the presence of each other.

                “What happened?? Is everything okay?” she nervously asked as she sat up.

                “I don’t think so. You have to come down here, now.”


                Laura reached the bar in less than twenty minutes. She immediately went to her and Taylor’s usual spot but she wasn’t there. Bryan had then appeared and led her to a different VIP lounge and that’s where she found Taylor slumped down on the couch, with her head lulled to her side. She had never seen her this drunk her entire life and she felt her heart race in a not so good way.

                She rushed towards her and cupped her face with both hands, trying to wake her. “Taylor...” she whispered, knowing she wouldn’t wake up through that, “Tay, wake up, we gotta get you home.”

                “Who are you?” said Taylor, in an unrecognizable voice. She tried opening her eyes. “Get out of here, I just want to sleep.”

                “It’s Laura, honey. Come on, you have to help me get you up.”

                She then pulled Taylor up as she wrapped her arm around her. Bryan made an attempt to help them but she shook her head, telling him she could do it. So with all her strength, she almost dragged Taylor out of the bar and brought her to her car.

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