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Thursday - George's POV.

He woke up to an amazing feeling, The feeling of knowing he would soon be out of this hellhole. His parents weren't happy with the sudden decision sprung upon them, George couldn't care less what they thought, They treated him like shit and expect him to want to stay.

"George you cannot leave this house!" His mother yelled from below.

"FUCK OFF!" George screamed.

He was getting out of here no matter what, He would no longer play victim to his parents. George was waiting for Clay to arrive to help him pack, Until something occurred to him.

Now his parents knew his sexuality having a male friend over wouldn't go very well, Whatever.

He grabbed boxes from downstairs and brand them all upstairs, To save atleast that portion of time, George started filling the boxes with various items. Starting from his bedsheets to books and his favourite snowglobe. His PC setup would be quite the pain the transport but it was so worth it, He heard a car pull up outside and rushed to the door. And as he thought there stood Clay, Smiling as he walked up the front lawn.

"Hi George!" He smiled wider.

"Hi Clay!! The boxes are upstairs I haven't completely finished, Also avoid my parents they aren't exactly very welcoming people." George sighed.

Clay nodded in response and walked up the stairs, Trying his best to avoid looking or speaking to the homophobic trash. George noticed Clay looking around his room at every object that lay infront of him.

"So where did you wanna start George?" Clay smiled.

"Anywheres fine!" George returned the smile.

"Alright well you finish packing the rest of your stuff and I'll bring the packed boxes down to my car." Clay decided.

He started picking up the boxes and left the room, Cautious as he walked down the stairs. He heard a scoff from across the room but couldn't care less to acknowledge the person who gave it. Walking out to the car and loading the boxes he grabbed into the trunk. He continued this process until all the boxes were packed and ready to go, Walking once again to George's room to see him putting Stitches into her carrier.

"Do you think she'll like the move?" Clay said with an unsure look.

"I'm sure she'll be fine!" George smiled.

George walked out of the room with the cat carrier passing his parents without acknowledgment. Putting Stitches into the passenger seat when he walked back inside.

"Okay, I'm going now, Bye." George left shutting the door behind him.

Clay already sat in the drivers seat and George stepped in, Moving the carrier to his lap.

"I really appreciate letting me move in with you Clay, Seriously it means everything to." George thanked in a grateful tone.

"You don't deserve to live in that shithole, And I would more than like your company." Clay smiled.

George blushed at the male, Feeling happier and freer than ever before. He winded the window down and let the air push against his face, Smiling at the feeling. They approached a house and slowed down, George looked it up and down to see the two story home.

"Wow Clay, This is amazing!" George cheered as he ran inside with Patches. Setting her down as he looked around with an excited smile, Clay walked in behind him and hugged him from behind and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"I'm glad you like it Georgie." He said softly.

George blushed and returned the hug, Basically exploding with excitement about this new chapter in his life. He noticed Patches walking over to brush against his legs, Bending down to pick her up and being greeted with a soft meow.

"She seems to have missed you!" Clay laughed.

"I missed her too." George brushed his head against Patches.

He set her down and unlocked the cat carrier, Stitches stretched and walked around a little, Before seeing Patches.

"I'm glad they aren't fighting." George sighed with relief.

"Oh shit! Let me take you to your bedroom options!" Clay smiled as he grabbed George by the wrist.

"Okay so first is this one." Clay let go.

George walked around the small room, Seeing a window on the back wall. They left the room and entered a much bigger one right next to Clays.

"I figured you might like this one since it's bigger and have a walk in wardrobe, Plus it's next to mine so we'll be closer!!" He beamed.

"I like the idea of being next to you Clay, Mind if I have this one?" He asked.

"I'd actually prefer it." Clay smiled.

They begun bringing boxes up to his room, Placing some on the floor and others on the bed. After they finished doing that George begun setting everything up, Beginning with his bed covers. Moving next to his PC setup then wardrobe. It took little to no time to empty everything out where he wanted it, Clay had left ages ago to make an early dinner for the pair. Which was good seeing as George was extremely hungry, His parents refused to feed him last night

"Since you're leaving our home we'll no longer feed you, You can eat at your new place f**."

George hadn't eaten for a while so food had been on his mind for quite the time. After he completely finished his room he left downstairs, Seeing dinner already made and set down across the table. George eagerly sat beside Clay and began eating after saying thank you.

"So is your room set up?" Clay smiled.

George finished the mouthful and nodded through swallowing.

"I'm so glad to have you here with me George, I love you so much." Clay said.

"I love you so much more Clay, Seriously I love you beyond words." He grinned.

After they finished they just turned on a movie and cuddled up with the cats. George couldn't help but blush in Clays arms under his warmth. The cats purred in their laps and everything felt like it couldn't have gone more perfectly.

George was finally happy.

1023 Words.

Sorry for not updating sooner :'( I've been busy and not feeling 100% but I'm back now!! Thank you so damn much for 500+ Reads I'm beyond grateful right now I cannot believe it :'D This fic will be ending quite soon so I hope you enjoyed!!

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