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Sunday - George's POV.

He hadn't quite brushed off what happened yesterday, Too many things had happened to just ignore. For starters Clay was crying because of a hug George had given, Two he had been staring at his ass, Third he had scars all over his torso. So many things didn't make sense.

But neither did the growing feeling George had kept pushed away since the start of the week.

He picked up his phone to check the time, 7am. He noticed a few notifications from Andrew asking to hangout today, If he was honest Andrew was a little clingy. He saw another text come through.

Hey George. Nick and I
were wondering if you
wanted to hangout
2day? @ the mall.

Sure :]

George had that feeling again, The one he'd been trying to hide. His cheeks grew a pinkish red colour as he reread the text several times.

He loved Clay.

They met up at the mall around 10:30am. Greeting each other with wide grins and a joke.

"So where do you guys wanna go?!" Clay beamed with a smile.

"I'm down for a movie if you guys are?" George added.

"Sure!" Nick and Clay said in sync.

They picked out a random horror movie that was screening, Laughing at each other being scared. George was undoubtedly the happiest he'd been in a while. After the movie they went and got ice cream together, All three got chocolate chip.

"That movie sucked ass dude!" Nick lied.

"Says the one who was squealing the whole way through!!" George laughed.

"Hey no fair!" Nick pouted.

They got along well, Like how they used to. But something still felt off, Like something was left unsaid but he didn't know what. They went shopping for some clothes, Picking out a few hoodies and what not.

"We should do this again ya think?" Nick suggested.

"I'm down!!" Clay smiled.

"Yeah of course!" George grinned.

After that they decided to go ice skating, Struggling as they entered the rink. George was terrible at ice skating, Falling multiple times. Clay seemed to notice.

"Here George I'll show you. You have to have confidence doing it." Clay smiled.

He put his hand on George's shoulder and adjusted his posture, Moving to hold his waist in place. George was clearly as red as a tomato.

"See!! You got it." Clay seemed proud.

"T-thanks.." George had a goofy half grin on his face.

They continued for a while, George falling as less as he had before. The day ended seemingly fast, Which was a little upsetting. Nick left first as he had to get home. It was around 4:30pm when Nick left, Turning to Clay who looked like he was deciding something.

"Hey George? Do you wanna hangout a little longer, Just me and you?" Clay seemed happy with this opportunity.

"Sure!" George smiled back.

They drove to get an early dinner, Deciding on Pizza. They bonded extremely well, Continuous laughs. If George hadn't asked to stream with them maybe this wouldn't be happening, Maybe they would still hate each other more than anything.

"So George, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place tonight, I wanna show you something cool." Clay said sounding sincere.

"Sure, Just don't murder me or anything!" George joked.

They went back to Clays house and just sat around for a while, Watching TV for a little and scrolling through their phones, Nighttime came by and George was a little tired, Bur Clay seemed wide awake.

"Alright George, We have to go in the car a little to see this." Clay chuckled apologetically.

"Okay." George rubbed his eyes.

After driving in the car for around 20 minutes they made it to a cliff, George seemed desperate to sleep.

"You can sleep for a-bit, We need to wait a while till I can show you anyways." Clay yawned and set a timer, They both slept in the car.

The alarm went off causing Clay to wake up, Pushing George a little to wake him up.

"Go awaaaayyy!!..." George groaned.

"George wake up!!" Clay pleaded, And after an annoying amount of effort George woke up, Walking to the cliff's edge and sitting down.

"Okay just wait a minute." Clay smiled.

The pair waited for a few minutes, Before seeing a faint colour paint the sky, Revealing an amazing sunrise right in front of them, Beautiful pinks, purples and oranges coloured the sky, Yellow light peeking through the clouds and shining onto their faces.

"Clay, This is amazing!!" George seemed as happy as ever.

"I know. That's why I chose to show you." Clay grinned cheerily.

They sat for a while, Admiring the gorgeous sunrise infront of them, George could barely keep his eyes open anymore, Falling asleep on Clays shoulder.

"Ah shit.. what do I do now??" Clay muttered.

He picked George up bridal-style, Carrying him to the car and buckling him in. He drove to George's house and parked on the street, Walking around to wake the sleeping individual up.

"George, Wake up." He poked and pushed but it would not work.

"GEORGE!! WAKE UP!" Clay boomed, Causing the other to suddenly be wide awake.

"Clay what the fuck!!" George sighed.

"Sorry. You wouldn't wake up and we have school today." Clay apologised.

George said goodbye and walked inside, Falling to the floor with a lovesick feeling. He couldn't like Clay, He liked Andrew! Right? I mean Andrew was amazing, Handsome and kind. How could he not like him? He couldn't! And he was nice and treated him right. Like George deserved.

But Clay was nice, amazing, and handsome. Plus they got along like two peas in a pod, And Clay made him happy endlessly. But he chose Andrew, He could never do anything bad, He would never abandon him.

974 Words.


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