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George's POV.

Regret overcame George as he work that day, Wishing only that he hadn't told Nick about him and Clay's fight. What if Nick told people? Like Luke or Clay, How would George manage to avoid confrontation now?

George rolled over to check the time, The time was 11:32. He had overslept by ages! Was there any point in even going to school now? He decided not to miss out on a day of school and got up to get ready, Making it out of his home at 11:50. He rushed to school and made it there in a surprising 9 minutes, George lived close by thankfully.

He hurried inside and noticed he just made it before next period began, The bell ringing and everyone flooding out into the halls. George had Maths today; Pulling his hood over his head in an attempt to hide his tired eyes and scarred cheek. Waking in and sitting down at his desk, Noticing a pair of eyes piercing through his soul. Turning to see it was Luke, An angry expression occupied his face.

George attempted to brush it off but the male wouldn't stop staring, Trying once again to ignore he turn to where the teacher was standing till the end of the lesson, Heading towards the bleachers and sitting in his normal spot.

A few minutes went by until someone cleared their throat behind him, Turning to be met once more with Luke's angered expression.

"Look George, You know your little conversation with Nick yesterday? About you and Clay? Yeah I heard that. And I recorded the whole thing, Let's just say Clay wasn't too impressed with it." Luke grinned and let out an obnoxious laugh before walking away.


Now Clay knows what he had said and that he told Nick, Not to make matters worse but now Luke knows, Whose to say he won't tell everyone? Someone else walked up behind George, Could he  ever catch a break from being disturbed?

He looked back one again but this time the person standing there wasn't someone George knew, Tall with sharp features, His hair was a gorgeous Ginger colour and he had striking hazel eyes.

"Hey, George isn't it?" He spoke with a comforting voice.

"Uh.. yeah, And you are..?" George returned.

"My names Andrew." He answered with a smile.

"Okay Andrew, Anything I can help you with?" George questioned playfully.

"Um.. Well I noticed you've been sitting alone quite a lot, I never really see you with anyone and something about you is quite endearing to me." Andrew spoke with an unsure tone.

George was extremely taken back, Nobody has even spoken of him like that, He liked it.

Andrew spoke once again, "Ahh sorry. I probably made this really weird I didn't mean it like that- I just wanted to know if you wanted to be friends is all."

"Yes!! Please actually." George answered seemingly desperate.

George could barely contain his happiness, Unable to control the massive smile he had painted across his face, And he knew he was blushing too, This Andrew guy was undoubtedly one of the most attractive males he'd ever seen; A muscular figure and his body had freckles all over it, And he had pretty good style if he was being honest, Black hoodie with a blue jacket on top of it, Gray sweatpants and he wore rings and a chain.

Andrew sat next to George, His big figure was a little intimidating but he found comfort in sitting next to him.

"Which classes do you have today?" Andrew asked.

"I have Science and English!" George said.

"Who's your English teacher? I think I'm in your class!" Andrew returned.

"I have Mr.Brown." George answered.

"Heck yeah! I am in your class! Mind if I sit next to you in English? I kinda don't have any other friends." Andrew shyly asked.

"I'd like that." George blushed a little.

After the bell rang George and Andrew parted ways as they both head to their next period, George was dreading this science lesson as he knew Clay found out he'd told Nick about their previous relationship. He walked into the classroom seeing that Clay was already sat down, Avoiding eye contact with him George sat beside him.

Clay turned to George and spoke.
"Why the FUCK would you tell Nick." Clay hissed with a heavy emphasis on the curse word.

"I felt it was right." George said calmly.

"Right? RIGHT? To tell someone else about something as private as that? What the fuck is wrong with you." Clay was getting more and more furious with each word he spoke.

"Look I- I'm sorry. I just needed to open up about it to someone."

Clay turned away, Looking as if someone was on his mind, But he didn't respond.

The lesson ended after what seemed like forever and George excitedly went to his English classroom. Walking in and sitting at his usual spot, His joy grew more prominent as he saw Andrew walking toward him, Smiling and greeting George.

"Hey Georgie!"

George blushed profusely at this nickname.

"Hi Andrew!" George's smile grew wider.

Andrew sat next to George and spoke again.

"It is alright if I call you that right? I'm so sorry if it's not I just thought it'd be like a little nickname I could call you."

"That's alright, I quite like it if I'm honest." George assured with a goofy grin.

"Hey I never asked, Can I have your number so we can like message and all?" Andrew asked.

"Oh yeah! It's **********."

Andrew entered the numbers into his phone and showed George the contact, The name was set to 'Georgie', Which made George blush even harder.

Clay POV.

Clay had noticed George was sitting with someone at the back of the room, A ginger guy with a muscular figure, Listening to their conversation as he heard;

"Hey I never asked, Can I have your number so we can like message and all?"

This pissed Clay off for some reason, Seeing George with someone else made him angry, And upset.

1017 Words.

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