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Clay POV.

Getting up on time was never really Clays forte, But reluctantly he knew he had to get up, Grabbing his phone off his bedside table and checking the time, 7:49. School started at 9 which was fine since he actually woke up on time today. He picked out a pair of clothes to wear to school today, Just the usual black hoodie and grey sweats.

After showering Clay felt nicer than he did after waking up, So he went downstairs to make breakfast, Oblivious to his angered father standing opposite him.

"Clay! What the hell? You went and got an -A? How dare you! After all we give you this is how you repay us?" His father snapped.

Clay didn't respond, He never did. His father was often upset with everything he did and at this point he just chose to ignore it completely, Mainly to spare himself the annoyance. Settling on a bowl of cereal he sat at the table, Half eating half on his phone checking messages.

hey dude got practice 2day, don't forget ur boots

thanks bro, cya soon :)

Nick was his best friend, Ever since Elementary School. After finishing his breakfast he cleaned his dish and went upstairs to pack his bag, Leaving at 8:38. Making it to school on time and waiting for the bell to signal his first class, He had Science first which Clay hated more than anything, For one particular reason.

"Alright go sit with your lab partners."

Honestly if it were up to him, Clay would drop science from his timetable in a heartbeat.

His partner walked over and sat next to him, Not saying a single world, As per usual. Clay hated his partner as he was his least favourite person in this school currently. The lesson went slowly but eventually it ended, Clay shooting out of his seat as soon as the bell rang.

"Uh? Excuse you Mr.Taken. Where do we think we're going?" The teacher scoffed.

"Going to break? The fuck else would I be doing." Clay spat.

The teacher shot a disappointing look but Clay took that as defeat, Walking off to the fields.

"Hey Mamas" Nick joked.

"Hey Baby" Clay responded.

They both laughed at their regular nicknames for each other, They weren't actually in a relationship they just found humour in calling each-other these ridiculous names. Clay got his Practice Jersey and put it on, Noticing Nicks worried expression as he stared at Clays scarred chest, Causing him to put the Jersey on even faster and walking out of the locker room to greet the rest of the team, Doing a few warmups before a quick break, Then continuing some Drills and Stretches, Running up and down the field.

Clay was covered in sweat, Sitting down and tipping half his water onto his hair letting himself cool down, Shaking off the excess and heading back to the locker room, Changing into his hoodie once more and walking out of the room with Nick.

"So what you wanna do for the rest of break?" Nick questioned.

"Make out with you of course" Clay joked motioning to pretend to kiss him.

"You bet!" Nick laughed loudly.

They walked to the bottom of the bleachers to eat, Clay left to the bathroom, But in all honesty it wasn't to use the toilet. He was meeting up with Luke, A shy boy who has the hots for Clay.

Luke backed into the bathroom wall with desperation to kiss all over Clay, He didn't hesitate.

Clay pushed him into the wall with a strong force, He liked being the one in control of these situations. Planting kisses all down Luke's neck and exposed collarbone, Leaving hickeys to show where he'd been exploring the others body. Someone entering the bathroom behind them, Not bothered to look back he continued kissing Luke, Moving up to his lips and making out with him against the wall. Finally they finished and walked out of the bathroom, Clay had a few hickeys on his neck too.

Him and Luke had Maths together and they sat at the front of the room. Clay settled down and held his arm around Luke's shoulders as he listened to the teacher go on about something unimportant.

George POV.

George walked into the bathroom, Noticing two people pressed up against the back wall, Clearly making out. He ignored it and used the bathroom, Leaving and heading to his next class, Maths sitting at the back of the room as he noticed the two people walk in, Of course.

It was Clay Taken and Luke Blade. They had been all over each other the past week and in all honesty it disgusted George how much they were all over each other. Get a room.

"Alright class turn to page 404 and answer the questions, Any questions just ask me."

The teacher settled back down and George did as he had said, Answering the questions without trouble. Noticing obnoxious noises coming from the front of the room, Looking over to see Luke and Clay making out, Again? In a classroom? God it pissed him off, Every time they were all over each other, George was annoyed, He wished they'd atleast do it in private for gods sake.

The bell rang and he walked out of the room, Heading to the bleachers where he usually sat alone. Noticing a group of people in his spot, He stood there staring for a minute before finding somewhere else to sit, Turning on music and watching the clouds pass by slowly. Something touched George's leg, Looking down to see a football boot? He looked around realising where it had come from. The people who were in his spot were Clay Taken and Nick Das.

"Oi pass that back would ya?" Nick asked.

"Yeah. Whatever." George threw it back and turned away once more, Not wanting to talk to them anymore. Getting up to walk away he tripped over the bleachers and his face hit the concrete.

He realised the boot coming his way wasn't an accident, Those assholes set him up, Distracting him with the boot so they could tie both his shoe laces together.

His face hurt like hell, Realising he'd cut a line down his face by falling into a sharp piece of metal that stuck out from a metal pole, Clearly hadn't been built properly.

"Fuck.." George muttered to himself.

He stood up and turned to the two males, Noticing their taken back expressions as they eyed down his scratch.

"Rot in hell you jerks." George hissed and he turned and walked off, Heading to the nurses office and he assumed it was pretty bad as it'd cut from his forehead down to his mouth. He rushed there in desperation to get it cleaned and treated.

"Oh my god! What happened to you?" The Nurse asked.

"I tripped, And scraped my face against a piece of exposed metal." George half lied.

They tended to his wound and their worried expressions made the feeling of worry spread to George.

"Ow!" George winced as they applied something to clean it.

"Can you open your eye deary?" The Nurse questioned.

"Yeah. I should be fine, Bye." George left quickly before they could call him back, He didn't really care that the scratch was exposed even though it was arguably deep.

He went home that night in pain.

1238 Words.

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