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Sunday - Clay's POV. (Emetophobia Warning)

He woke up in an unfamiliar place, Head pounding from the prominent headache. Sitting up as he felt dizzy aswell. He noticed voices from downstairs which were unusual. Clay stood up vision blurred then focusing. Walking downstairs to see George and Nick in what he assumed was George's lounge room.

"Dude my heads killing me what happened? And how the fuck did I get here?" Clay forced.

"You passed out drunk last night at the party, We brought you here to George's place." Nick shrugged.

"God I feel like crap. This hangovers a bitch and I only just woke up!" Clay frowned.

George hadn't said a word to Clay and obviously was avoiding it.

"So what happened last night.. did I do anything weird?" Clay clenched his teeth.

"Uh well you kinda like intensely made out with this dude, He was sitting on your lap and you were at it for quite a while.." Nick smirked apologetically.

"Fuck.." Clay muttered.

He held his stomach realising the sweet taste climbing it's way up his throat, Running to the bathroom and positioning himself over the bowl. Gagging continuously then throwing up, Leaning back afterwards.

"God damnit." Clay sighed.

He flushed the liquid down the toilet and walked back downstairs. Noticing  a disappointed Nick.

"Why'd you get so drunk in the first place?" Nick questioned.

"I didn't mean to, Honest." Clay shrugged.

Nick seemed off, Like something was bothering him and George. They both hung their heads and looked at Clay with concerned looks.

"Clay- I- Uh. Andrew told us everything." Nick sighed.

"Shit. What did he tell you?" Clay held his face in his palms.

"About what he did to you, And what he was doing to George." Nick seemed upset.

Clay didn't bother replying, Unable to find the words he wanted to say.

"I didn't  know that was going on.. And to think I hung out with him." Nick said with a disgusted tone.

Nick walked over to Clay and lifted up his shirt over his head, Removing it to look at the scars scattered all along his torso, Only now realising how bad they really were.

"Holy fucking shit Clay. This is terrible! There are so many.. And they looked deep too." Nick looked on the verge of tears.

"It's fine Nick, Really." Clay smiled.

Nick hugged the other and sobbed profusely, Feeling huge amounts of guilt for not having known he was going through this. George stood afar and he seemed even more upset, Looking all over Clay's torso at the deep scars in his skin. They continued all the way from his back to the front and even went down to his V Line. Noticing the scar on Clays face.

"Did he.. Did he do the one on your face too." George questioned sadly.

"Yeah. He did all of them." Clay frowned, Noticing George hug him from behind, Being locked between the two.

"George I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about him sooner- He just threatened to hurt you and I if I did." Clay felt responsible for the incident that occurred last night.

"It's fine Clay. I knew it was too good to be true." George smiled and shrugged.

Clay put his shirt back on and sat down, Nick began preparing food.

"I'm not hungry Nick sorry, Do you have something to drink though? I'm insanely thirsty." Clay asked.

Nick nodded his head and bring Clay a cup of water, Chugging it pretty much instantly. George sat beside him and looked as if he was deep in though, Turning to him before asking something.

"Hey Clay uh. Last night when you were drunk, You confessed something to me- I was wondering if it were true.." George seemed unsure.

"Well what did I confess?" Clay asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, You kinda confessed your feelings to me." George played with his fingers shyly.

"Yeah." Clay turned away.

George didn't respond, Clay looking over to see George's red face covered with a smile. He only hoped that meant George liked him back.

"Hey Nick is it okay if me and Clay head to the bedroom quickly?" George questioned.

Clay looked completely clueless as Nick replied, George grabbing his hand and leading him to the bedroom, Locking the door behind him.

"George what's up?" Clay asked confused.

"I like you too." George smirked as he placed his hands delicately on Clays chin, Lips meeting and locking together.

Clay fell right into George's touch, Trying to prevent his legs from letting him fall to the floor, Clay decided to take control of this situation and flipped George and pushed him onto the bed, Making out with him between breaths.

"Foods ready!!" They heard Nick call from downstairs.

They sat up attempting to catch their breath, Smiling goofily at each other and looking away.

"I love you George." Clay smiled widely.

"I love you more Dream." George's face completely lit up.

They walked downstairs not noticing their messed up hoodies. Nick raising an eyebrow at the sight.

"Seems you two had a good chat." Nick winked.

They both looked away embarrassed. Sitting down as George and Nick ate. George continuously looking over and smiling with blush covered cheeks. Clay was madly inlove with him, He was absolutely gorgeous.

After Nick finished eating he left and headed back home, Leaving the pair alone. They both knew what they wanted, To continue from earlier but decided to leave it and take things a little slower. They sat down on the lounge together and turned on a movie, Watching for a good half an hour before George layed down with his head on Clay's lap, Clay rubbed his thumb between the males hair, Hearing George mutter the words I love you.

Clay loved George. Undeniably with all his heart.

971 Words.

Finally some love between them :')
Lowkey loving this fanfic rn <3

Wonder what happens next..

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