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Manny and I trail the hallway to my bathroom in silence. It's a comfortable silence. I'm not sure what to say or even what to ask him. After he snapped on me a few days ago, everything he said has been floating through my thoughts on a constant loop.

I watch him struggle to hold up the nearly passed out man hanging on his arm. He must've been pretty badly beaten for him to have missed the whole conversation on us saving his life. Nonetheless, I decided not to help Manny carry him, punishment for getting stuck with poop duty.

I open the door to my bathroom. Manny shuffles in behind me, sliding the unconscious man into the tub.

"So." I let out quietly.

"So uh yeah, this is Zayn." He replies while turning the faucet on. The water rushes onto Zayn's feet causing him to wake up, startled he grips onto the side of the tub.

"Oh so that's what woke you up? Water? Not the screaming that took place not even five minutes ago?" I say sarcastically. Zayn looks in my direction, his eyes trailing his surroundings.

"Sorry, I just—"

"Save it." Manny replies giving me a dirty look. "You don't need to explain yourself. Grace is just a bitch. She doesn't like anyone."

My mouth parts, "That's not true."

"No that's a good thing." Zayn starts, "You really can't trust anyone. I'm glad Manny has someone to look out for him."

I watch Manny's cheeks turn a bright shade of pink as he turns away from Zayn. I roll my eyes in annoyance. This guy? This guy is the reason i'm on poop duty..

"Okay anyways, why don't you just cut the bullshit and tell me why you're really here?" I question, walking closer to the tub. He shakes his head and looks back at Manny, giving him confused a look.

"I'm here for a home. I'm sorry if you feel like I have invaded your space. I've just been on the run for so long, it's hard for me to even fathom living in a camp this beautiful." He explains.

I scoffed, crossing my arms against my chest. "Right. I'm guessing you just magically bumped into Manny? You just happened to be in the right place at the right time?"

"Grace cut it out." Manny says gritting his teeth at me.

"No, I'm just curious. I mean what are the odds right?"

"Well curiosity killed the cat so shut up." He fires back at me. I bite my lip and snatch my body wash out of his hand.

"No, not my good body wash. He can use the bar soap."

Manny stands up, making sure to make direct contact with my shoulder as he passed me. He reached down into the cabinet below the sink, grabbing the last bar of soap I have.

"It wouldn't hurt you to have some decency, seriously Grace. I don't even know who you are anymore." He whispers to me.


I threw my head back, taking a deep breath. I'm guessing he wants me to hold his hand through this, be a nice person. As if there are anymore of those nowadays.

"Sorry for my attitude." I said turning back to them. "I've just had a pretty rough week."

Zayn gives me a soft smile, "You're already forgiven."

I can't even begin to imagine how twisted this guy has my best friend right now. I can't blame Manny for being so smitten. He's not totally horrible to look at.

With his black hair, dark eyes, and biceps that could possibly strangle me. He's not far off from what Manny tells me his type is. It's hard to miss the cascade of tattoos that trail up his body though. From the looks of him, he's nothing less then trouble.

"So, What did you do before this?" I ask him.

"Like before the apocalypse?"

"No before you met Manny." I scoff. His mouth opens, about to answer my question. I cut him off, "No idiot. I mean like what did you do for a living before shit hit the fan."

He laughs, "Oh yeah right. Uh, I was in and out of jobs so I'm not quite sure how to answer that."

"No hobbies?" Manny asks as he runs the bar of soap down Zayn's back.

"I mean, no hobbies that really matter anymore." He adds. I nod my head, uncrossing my arms from against my chest.

"Okay well, What are you good at? Can you shoot a gun? Or I don't know, clean up shit?" I say running my hands through my knotted hair.

Zayn laughs, "Shit? Why would I be good at cleaning up shit?"

I give him a serious look. "We're on poop duty because of you. I hope you like #2, big boy."

He winces as Manny runs the hot water down  his back, his body lurching forward.

"Sorry, I didn't ask you if the water was too hot. Do you want me to stop?"

"No that's okay. These cuts hurt like a bitch though." Zayn replies, relaxing again.

"How'd you even get those? If you don't mind me asking." I say inching forward to get a better look.

"Those inferno guys." He replies, almost to fast.

"Mhm, why'd they cut you up so bad? What'd you do to piss them off?"

"Grace." Manny's voice warns.

Zayn's hand reaches out, landing on Manny's shoulder. "It's okay, I'll tell her." He says softly. I lick my bottom lip, sliding my hand into my back pocket. He clears his throat before answering me.

"I snuck in one night and stole some shit out of their stash. Stupid shit like, books, blankets, clothes, and maybe a car-"

I laughed, maybe a little too loud. "A car! you stole one of their cars? We're you trying to get caught?"

"Maybe, I guess so. Part of me just wanted the car. I wanted to take something valuable. Something I know they'd miss. They took so much from me," He responds.

"Someone you loved?"

He sighs, running his hand up his arm. "Yeah."

I give him a sympathetic look. "I know the feeling."

Manny clears his throat, setting down the soap. "We lost our best friend. His name was Jack, and he is, I mean was, the best guy I've ever known."

Manny stands up, grabbing a towel from under the sink. I shift awkwardly, leaning against the door. This is the first time I've heard him talk about Jack since he died. I guess I never got the chance to ask him how he was dealing with losing him. Jack was part of the glue that kept us all so close. Manny won't admit it but I knew his feelings for Jack weren't platonic.

Zayn stands up from inside the tub, gripping the sides for support. "Thanks again guys, seriously."

"Don't mention it." I sigh. Zayn wraps the white towel around himself, stepping out of the tub with his drenched shorts. I watch the water trail down his legs and onto the floor, Leaving a pudding underneath his feet.

"So this poop duty? You weren't serious about that were you?" He asks.

"I wish I wasn't."

Con #3 of the end of the world: Poop duty.

poop duty...lol..
okay ANYWHOO where tf is harold @

oh yeah..he's in the next chapter(;

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