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"I can't believe you dropped it." I groaned whipping my head at him. He gave me a sympathetic look as we ran. My feet flying in front of each other fast. The wind rushing through my hair. The sound of gunshots fueling my aching legs.

"Sorry It slipped right through my fingers while I was trying not to get shot!" He yelled back at me. We came to an abrupt stop when a car swung around the corner.

"Shit shit shit." I cussed under my breath. I looked back and forth at the buildings next to me. There was two options for us here, the saloon or the old car dealership. My feet sprinted into action, making up my mind for me. I raced towards the saloon. Hearing the tires squeal against the asphalt.

I was running so fast I'd almost forgotten that I still haven't stopped to catch my breath. I pushed open the doors to the saloon and slammed it behind us. Frantically looking around for something, anything to barricade the door with. My eyes land on a huge karaoke machine.

"Jack help me with this." I said running over it to it.

He scoffs. "Now probably isn't the best time for you to sing more of your Brittney Spears songs."

"No you dipshit. Help me barricade the door." I scolded him. He nodded his head and ran up beside me. Using all my strength, pushing the huge machine against the door. Grabbing as many chairs and tables as we could, stacking them against the now pounding front doors.

"Let us in. We just wanna talk." A woman called from the other side of the pyramid of stuff we just stacked against the door.

"Yeah in your dreams peaches." Jack yelled from beside me. I looked behind us at the empty bar. Empty glass bottles were scattered across the floor. This place was an absolute ghost town. It smelled like mildew and urine. I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"Okay here's the plan. Were gonna go to the roof and throw the empty bottles at their heads." Jack said grabbing me by my shoulders.

I gave him a questionable look. "You have horrible aim. I'm gonna be the one doing all the work."

"Okay then let's go out the back door." He replies.

"Right because why wouldn't they we waiting by the back door." I said sarcastically. Instantly what he just said smacked me right across the face.

"Shit Jack, the back door." I said before taking off. I raced through the bar, kicking the glass bottles as my feet scrambled against the hardwood floor. My eyes trailed the bar. Looking for something to block the door with.

"Knock knock." A voice chimed from the other side of it.

"Asswad." I said as the door began to open. I used all my body weight and pushed up against the cold metal. The man on the other side pushed, hard. Slamming his body against the door again, and again.

Jack raced up beside me and copied me. Using all his body weight to keep the door shut. Sweat was dripping down my forehead at this point. The only thing keeping me going was the sudden rush of adrenaline.

"This fucker is strong as fuck." Jack groaned from beside me.

"Yeah and I'm gonna pound your face in as soon as I get this door open." The man laughed from outside the door. I scoffed and pushed my feet against the floor harder.

"Interesting visual. Can't say I'm looking forward to it though." Jack replies slamming his body against the door again.

"You're telling me this door doesn't have a fucking lock." I sighed glancing over at Jack, whose face was now red and sweaty.

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