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if I could use one word to describe how i'm feeling right now that's what it would be. The pit in my stomach that so desperately wishes to be filled by someone or something. I've never been the type of person to rely on others for acceptance or for companionship. But right now that's all I want. There's a huge void that's been left in my heart, leaving me cold and empty. My thoughts rattle around my body as I go about my day. Thoughts that aren't positive nor safe. Thoughts that are dangerous to not only myself but others.

The words that left his mouth linger in my head as I sit on the edge of my bed.

"There's gonna be consequences for your actions love."

I should be asking myself who the hell this guy thinks he is. But the only thing i'm asking myself is, — do I deserve it? Did I kill all those people for the benefit of my camp? Or did I snap and hurt innocent people? What draws the line between innocents and deviants? Does God? Or the person who's finger rests on the trigger?

Manny hasn't talked to me yet. Somehow he hasn't seemed to break his silent treatment, and if i'm being honest, it's killing me. I lost both of my best friends. One physically and the other metaphorically so to speak. We've never gone this long without talking. He's always been the one to apologize by telling a stupid joke. Oh how I miss his stupid jokes.

The knock at my door knocks me out of my trance, causing me to jump. My hair sways as I kick myself off the edge of my bed, — or insanity.

Take your pick.

The hardwood floor creaks as I walk over to the door, letting the person behind it know I'm approaching. Yet another impatient knock erupts from outside. I quicken my pace, swinging the door open.

Chris is standing in front of me. Sweat dripping down his red face as he stands with his hands on his hips.

"Kien...needs-" He takes a breath and wipes his forehead, "Kien needs you in his office, stat." He finally manages to say.

I give him a confused look, "Okay. Why?"

Chris doesn't reply. He just rolls his eyes and grabs ahold of my bare arm, dragging me out of my safe space. The place i've spent the past 24 hours dwelling in. I allow him to pull me, treating my 5'4 frame like a rag doll.

He swings the office door open, revealing the whole council huddled up around something. They all turn their heads to look at me. All of them staring at me with rough eyes. Most of them are on edge still. I don't blame them. But part of me wonders if they know what i've done. If the reason why they're staring so hard is because they know what I am.

a monster.

Chris drops his hand from my arm and shuts the door behind us. I cross my arms against my chest, using them as a security blanket. My eyes trail behind the large group of people. No one really said anything, not to me at least. I hear their whispers, as they lean into each other.

I let my head fall back against the door frame. Keeping my feet planted in one spot. They continue to whisper back and forth. Not paying me any mind, and i'm grateful for that. I watch Chris argue with Taylor across the room. I can't hear what they're saying but I see his demeanor change when she throws her hand up, cussing in frustration. The tension in this room is like it was a week ago, thick and frantic.

I fall backwards a bit when the door i'm leaning on swings open. I stumble into someone's chest, feeling hands wrap around my shoulders.

"Have a seat Grace." I hear the words come out of Keins mouth and I simply oblige. Shaking his hands off my shoulders and walking over to the couch to sit down. The room is quiet again, the only sound coming from Keins boots as he walks to the front of the room.

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