(vore) Weird Lumity sketch (because I felt like it)

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Title was made with the power of friendship XD @AmandaTheGayQueen was the one who came up with it! I added the () and (vore) because I need to label my vore

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Title was made with the power of friendship XD @AmandaTheGayQueen was the one who came up with it! I added the () and (vore) because I need to label my vore... well, vore.

Anyway, I drew this digitally later and I think it's the next one that comes up? I think this looks a bit better though. I like it more, personally.

But the story I had in mind for this was Luz being a sizeshifter and eating her friends was a thing she did to protect them and later just... hug them, I guess? Idk.

Also I'm considering drawing Hooty and Lilith vore, just because it sounds hilarious.

Date of posting: March 20, 2021

Think I'm going to stop posting for today though? It's a bit hard to focus on this thing, 'cause I'm having a conversation with my friend, and those usually last from when we start talking to I go to bed lol

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