“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Pluto grins. “I have only wanted one thing in life and I finally have it.”

I cock my head to the side curiously. “And what is that?” I question.

“To meet my daughter.”


I’m standing and pacing the room. Pluto is watching me silently and Zillah is sitting in the chair clenching her gun while watching Cora and Pluto. Every time Zillah tries to say something to me I shut her up because I wanted to think. I didn’t want anyone saying anything to me until I was ready. So here we were.

“I know it’s a lot to take in.” Pluto says.

I wipe the tears that dared to drop from my eyes. It wasn’t fair.

“You’ve been here the whole time?” I hiss.

“Yes.” Pluto answers softly.

I couldn’t help it. I pick up the nearest object and throw it against the wall. Cora stands and Zillah points the gun at her and snarl, “Don’t even think about it.” But I continue to ignore them. I wanted to destroy this entire stupid room. This is not how I expected to meet my mother. I could feel everyone eyes on me. Zillah tucks the gun in her waist and walk over to me. I chew on my lower lip and she pulls me against her body. I sigh at the familiar scent and then pull back once I feel better. I walk back to the chair embarrassed.

“I’m sorry.” I apologize. “I’ve been searching for you since I was a toddler. Why didn’t you come get me?”

“I never stopped looking for you.” Pluto explains. “Your father.” She spats. “Took you from me. I was only able to hold you for a second.”

“How do you know I’m even yours?” I question.

Pluto chuckles. “You have the family features and the mark.” She says pointing towards my ankle.

“My birth mark?” I ask.

“It’s not a birth mark.” She explains. “I branded you as a baby. So, I could always find you. No one knows but Cora, Lin, and I.”

“I told Lin to do it before I had you.” She continues to tell. “I had this feeling that something terrible was going to happened. Once you were born your father came and ripped you from my arms. The next day the lab was breached and they came in and slaughter all the women and babies.”

I gulp.

“Luckily, Lin and Cora was able to get me out. I became sick months later. Without the medicine they was injecting me with in the laboratory. I couldn’t go outside and I couldn’t search for you. I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” I stand with my fist bawl at my side. It was my father fault. I wasn’t surprised that he was keeping this secret from me. He knew how much I wanted to find my mother and he knew all along. He ripped me from my mother arms. I hiss under my breath just thinking of the things I wanted to do to him. I wanted to make him suffer. Feel the pain that I felt for years and the pain my mother was feeling.

“You’re so beautiful.” Pluto cries.

I calm myself down and sit next to her on the bed. She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back. I could hear her sobbing in the side of my neck before pulling back instantly. I look up wondering what I do wrong. I pull back and Pluto skin was turning fire red. She smiles slightly. “It’s okay.”

“What’s wrong?” I question.

“Human contact.” She replies. “Can’t have too much of it.”

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