Chapter fifteen

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Are you fucking serious? I can't let them find out about Mina, they'll disown me.

I know. Get your ass here.

No, I'll deal with them tomorrow. I don't have the energy now, and I don't want to leave Mina.

I didn't wait for Alex to respond, and I just went back to sleep instead. I don't know how to tell Mina.

The next morning, I woke up to Mina kissing me all over my face. I smiled, and she kissed my lips.

"Good morning, love. Hurry up and get ready, I'll make you breakfast and get you coffee so you won't be late to my class." She said in a very sleepy voice.

"Wait, Mina.."


"My parents showed up around three this morning, and I can't let them know I'm with you.. they'll disown me. You're my professor, and also way older than me. They won't understand anything." I said. She nodded slowly.

"Okay, so it's like hiding our relationship from the school. That can't be too bad, love." She said, and she kissed my nose.

"Everything's going to be okay, I promise." Wilhemina said, and she pulled me off the bed.

"How do you know? How do you know they won't find out? If they do, I promise you it won't be good. It'll be like living in hell, and I don't want to lose you.." I said.

"We're very good at hiding it, and I'll just pretend to be your teacher until they leave." She said, smiling. I nodded.

"Come on, get changed. I already started breakfast." She said, and she went to leave the room.

"Really? What time did you wake up?"

"Half an hour ago. Hurry up!" She said, impatiently. I nodded, and I looked for something to wear. Obviously, it couldn't be too bad because of my parents. They're very christian, and they weren't too accepting of me coming out. If they found out about Wilhemina, they'll try to ruin her life.

I found purple sweatpants in Wilhemina's closet, and I threw on a tank top. I only put on mascara, considering my mother would call me a whore if I wore anything more.

I made my way towards the kitchen, and Mina placed down eggs, sausage, and toast in front of me. She got me a glass or orange juice and she sat down across from me.

She told me about her plans for the day, as we ate. I didn't even know my plans today, probably try and get my parents to leave.

We left in a hurry, and I wanted to leave early so I could stop at my dorm and see if my parents were there. Hopefully they weren't.

"I'll meet you in your class, okay? I'll tell you what happened after." I said to Mina, and I kissed her.

"Okay, love. Be careful. I'll see you soon." She said, and I got out. I kissed her again, and I went inside.

I opened the door, and you'll never guess who was sitting on my bed.

"Oh, there's our daughter. Out at 3am?! What the hell are you thinking? We aren't paying for you to go to college, just for you to be at parties and drinking. You're here to study, and do something useful with your life." My father said. I ignored him, and put all of my stuff down.

"Well, good to see you too. What're you doing here? Especially at three in the fucking morning." I asked.

"We're here to visit you, obviously. Our flight landed earlier than expected." My mother said.

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