Chapter nine

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smut warning ur welcome

Once we got to the school, she dragged me out of the car and into the building. As we walk inside, I hear someone call my name and we both turn around.

"Y/n, you're here early!" Ava said. Wilhemina looked at me, and I bit my lip nervously. Wilhemina looked upset, and she walked away from me.

"Yeah, I am. Do you have time to talk?" I ask. She nodded, "yes, what's up?"

"I hate to do this, but I don't think we should continue what we have going on.." I said quietly. She looked upset.

"Oh. Okay.. see you around, y/n." She smiled, and quickly walked passed me. I started walking towards Wilhemina's office, her door was open and she was sitting in her chair, doing paperwork.

I stood in the doorway, and I watched her. I genuinely couldn't read her emotions, she didn't look upset nor mad. She just looked beautiful.

"Having fun?" I asked as I walked towards her. She didn't look at me. To get her attention, I moved her hands and I got onto her lap. She rested her hands on my hips, and I smiled.

"Why wouldn't you look at me?"

"I'm busy."

"Are you too busy for this?" I asked, as I began to kiss her neck. Her grip on my hips tightened. She leaned her head to the side, and she continued on her paperwork.

"Y/n, I'm at work. What do you think you're getting at?" She asked. I smiled, and I stopped.

"I want your attention, and you're not giving it to me."

"Why don't you go and ask Ava, hm?" She said in an annoyed tone. I groaned, and rolled my eyes.

"I ended it with her, now stop being grumpy and give me attention." I said. She smiled, and she placed a small kiss on my nose.

"Honey, I have a class to teach in a bit. I have to finish this paperwork, and figure out what we're doing today. Sit here and don't make a noise." She said. I nodded, and I laid my head on her shoulder.

I soon got bored, watching her do paperwork was very boring. I wanted to go to sleep, and the day had just begun.

"Minaaa, this is so boring. I'm getting tired just watching you do this." I said. I know she said not to talk, but what else am I supposed to do?

"I said to not make a noise."

"I don't care, this is boring! How much do you have left?"

"A lot, this would go by faster if you stop distracting me." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, y/n."

"I just did." I love getting mouthy with her, what's she going to do? Punish me?

She stopped her paperwork, and she began kissing my neck. I leaned my head to the side, giving her more room. She put one of her hands under my hoodie, and she kept it placed on my stomach.

Her grip tightened as she slid her hand into my pants. She traced her finger along my underwear.

"Don't be a tease, Wilhemina." I said annoyed. She smirked and kept doing it for a few more minutes.

"Mina! Will you just fuck me already?"

She kissed me, as she began rubbing my clit with her thumb. I moaned into the kiss, and she bit my bottom lip as she pulled away.

I closed my eyes, and I leaned my head back. She quickly grabbed my chin, making me look at her.

"I want your eyes on me as I'm fucking you, understand?"

I nodded.

She then slide one finger inside of me, and she went very slowly. As she began to go faster, I struggled to keep my eyes opened.

I bite my lip to contain my moans, Wilhemina knew how she effected me and she loved every second of this.

She added another finger, and she began rubbing my clit with her thumb. As she did that, it got harder to contain my moans and keep my eyes open.

With her free hand, she grabbed a fist full of my hair and she pulled my head back. She then began kissing my neck, leaving small marks.

"Ms. V-venable.. I'm close!" I said in between moans. She ignored me, and continued kissing my neck. As I was about to cum, she suddenly stops and removes her fingers.

"I- why would you do that?!"

"Why would I let you cum after you didn't listen? It isn't hard to follow simple rules, y/n. Maybe if you followed them, you'd get to cum. Until then.." She said. That wasn't fair. I was bored!

"What the fuck? How is that fair at all? It isn't my fault I got bored watching you do whatever you're doing." I said. She ignored me.

It was around 7:40, I had enough time to go get coffee. I got off her lap, and as I was about to walk out the door she stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going? You have class in 20 minutes." She said, looking up at me.

"To get coffee. I'll be quick! Do you want anything?"

"No. You better be quick, if you're late again I'll make you regret it." She said, as she began her paperwork again.

"Blah, blah. See you soon!"

I walked to the closest coffee shop, which was right around the corner. Hopefully, the line isn't long.

I stood in line, and saw my roommate Alex.

"Well good morning to you too, where have you been all night? Ooo, with Ava?" Alex asked, looking at me.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I also ended things with Ava.. so, no, not with her." I said, and I ordered my coffee.

"What? Why?! You seemed to be happy with her when you were making out with her."

I shrugged, "I don't really know how to explain it. If I tell you, you can't be mad or start yelling." I said. She nodded.

I leaned into her ear and whispered, "I ended things, because I slept with Ms. Venable."

"You've got to be joking. The bitchy teacher?! Come on, y/n. You left Ava, for her?" She said.

"Well, yeah. I said you can't get mad! Wilhemina is very sweet, I know, it's hard to believe." I replied.

"Alright, I'll believe it when I see it. Are you going to get some special treatment or something?"

"Hell no. She's already being pissy with me for leaving to get a coffee. I'm not allowed to be late again, and class starts in about 5 minutes." I said.

"You're going to be late, aren't you?"

"Yup! I like testing her patience. Anyway, how's your classes going?" I asked, as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Pretty well, a bit overwhelming. I'm on the verge of failing a class." She said, and she ordered something.

"I can help, if you want me to."

"Thank you, y/n. Anyway, you better get going. It's about to start." She said, and we both walked outside.

"Fine! I'll be over later to grab some clothes, and then I'm going back to Venable's place. But we can set up a time to do stuff when I grab my clothes." I said. She nodded.

"Alright, catch me up on everything! Have a good day, I love you."

"I love you too!"

I then began walking back to her class, it probably just started. This shall be fun.

I walked inside, and everyone looked in my direction. Wilhemina looked pissed.

"You're late. Again. Sit down, I'll deal with you later." She said, and she started teaching again. I smiled, and sat in front of her.

hey hello I'm back from the dead 🙄 I've been busy. not rlly tbh.. but I lost motivation I'm back tho 😁

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