First Day Part 1

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"I can't do it." Raymond Cook looked at his father with a frown on his face. "There's no way I can."

"Come on Ray, it won't be that bad. It's only for a couple of months." Damon tried to convince him.

"He's an entitled moron who thinks that the world owes him something." he gestured toward the file laying on Damon's desk. "I've been following him for a month now and he's the first person I don't think I can work with." he shook his head.

"You're the best and it's a favor for a friend." Damon leaned forward, pushing the file toward Raymond. "It's just for a couple of months."

Raymond sighed and reached for the file again. "Do I really have to?" his heavy frown still on his face.

"You've never said no to a challenge before and I'm sure he isn't that bad." Damon pushed. "Come on Ray, you're not called the Inquisitor for nothing" he smiled.

"Well, as the Inquisitor, I should be able to kill him and get this out of the way." he said sourly, shaking his head.

Damon grinned at him. "If there is someone who can get to the bottom of this, it's you. I can't send in one of the others, they don't have the experience you have and they'd draw too much attention." He pushed.

Damon looked at Raymond. They've been working together since Raymond was in high school and he quickly became part of the family. Early on he had recognized Raymond's talents for finding things. He was attuned to his environment, hyper aware, noticing things that others didn't. His small stature, wiry frame  and innocent face made him almost invisible to others. He didn't look like a threat and was often mistaken for a college kid. And in his business, it was something he'd capitalized on. There was a very good reason why he was known as the Inquisitor. There was nothing he couldn't find and with his network of contacts, he was the most valuable employee in the company.

"I suppose next you're going to guilt me into doing this." He threw the file on Damon's desk with a grim look on his face.

"I would never do that!" he grinned Raymond. "Anyway, you've never said no to a job before. Would you leave an old man high and dry?"

"Pops, you're the worst. Old man, my ass!" he leaned back in his chair, looking at the file on Damon's desk. He really didn't want to take this job.

"It's just for a few months, and how bad can it be? Damon pushed.

"Okay," he sighed. "Only to shut you up." he grabbed the file, getting up.

"That's more like it!" He took another folder from a drawer, sliding it over to Raymond. "Everything you need is there. You start on Monday"

Leaving Damon's office, he sighed again. This was going to be one of the worst jobs he'd taken on, he thought as he left the building.


"I ask for one thing! Are you that dense?" Jackson Dealer shouted at the young woman standing in front of him.

"I... I'm sorry Mr Dealer." She stammered, with a stricken look. "It won't happen again."

"You're right it won't happen again! Pack your things and get the hell out of here! I never want to see you again!" he shouted, dismissing her.

How hard can it be to find a good assistant, he thought, still angry. Picking up the phone, he called HR. "Get me an assistant who isn't as dumb as the last one!" he shouted, slamming the phone in anger.

"He's done it again." Tilly sighed, knowing that Jackson was looking for the impossible. Everybody knew about his short temper and most of the staff avoided him, in case they became the next target.

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