"I know what your thinking," he says rubbing my back and I cry harder. "But that won't happen. I bet when we go to your place tomorrow, my dad and Liam will already have a way out of it," he tries to assure me, but just the mere thought of loosing Nick breaks me.

"I hope you're right," I manage to say between sobs. "Why don't we go to bed?" He asks and I nod against his chest.

He helps me up and and we leave the pizza out not even caring and head up stairs.

He pulls the covers aside and I climb in. I turn to my side as I feel Nick get in. He scooches closer to me and pulls me close to his chest letting out a sigh.

I turn in his arms to face him. "Can you promise me something?" I ask. "Anything," he says.

"Can you promise me that no matter what happens, you won't leave me?" I ask. "I-I can't loose you," I choke out.

"I promise Lauren," he pulls me to his chest.

The sounds of his heartbeat is so soothing, the next thing I know, I'm asleep.


Nick and I are currently in the car on our way to my house. We sit in silence, holding each other's hands tightly.

I never felt more nervous than I do now. I feel like any moment I'll have a heart attack. That's how scared I am.

He pulls into my driveway and we make our way in. Once inside, I see my brothers and Mr Carver all gathered in the living room.

I'm immediately pulled into a hug. Once I realize it's Grayson, I hug him back. "Are you ok?" He asks quietly and I nod against his chest. He pulls away and I take a seat next to Evan while Nick sits with his father across from me.

The room is dead silent until Liam finally speaks. "So, Thomas's lawyers sent me the contract yesterday," he sighs. That quickly? That man has not empathy.

"And everything he said is true. His son Alex is older than Nick and since your the only girl out of the three families, that means you're to marry Alex and share the business together," Liam explains and each word he says feels like a knife digging into my heart more and more.

This can't be happening. Please tell me this isn't happening.

I look around and my brothers look pissed off. I turn to look at Nick and he sits forward in his seat with his forearms resting on his thighs and he's staring at the floor with a blank facial expression.

"But," Liam adds and all of our heads snap to look at him. "The contract says if one fails to obligue, the other will get the whole company to themselves," he explains and warily looks to Henry.

Henry look at me with a small smile on his face and I jump right out of my seat, "No," I state.

"Lauren, Liam and I talked, and we agreed we are ok with loosing the business to Thomas. We have enough money as it is to last us a lifetime. You should have never been pulled into this and it's our duty as your older brothers to protect you," Henry explains and I start to cry.

"No no no, you guys can't give the business up because of me! You worked so hard and can't possibly give it away!" I cry out.

"Where does that leave with my business?" Mr Carver chirps in. "Your business won't be effected whatsoever," Liam sneers.

"Then sounds like my job here is done," Roger says standing up. "Let's go son," he tells Nick.

"Dad! We have to help them!" Nick stands, exclaiming. "Why should I? This no longer has anything to do with us," Roger explains.

"I can't let you do this! If I agree then you get to keep the company," I state.

"Lauren..." Nick draws out. I turn to look at him and he has a hurt expression on his face. "Are you seriously considering this?" He says shocked.

"I..." I can't even finish the sentence as more tears fall down my cheeks and I cover my face with my hands.

"Wow..." Nick says taking a few steps back. "Nick you have to understand," I try to explain.

"Just like that..." He sadly says. "So much for promising to never leave each other," he says hurt and turns away to walk out.

"Nick! They're my family, I have to!" I plead. He freezes at the door and turns to face me. "Ya? Well we were going to be a family as well," and with that he walks out with Mr Carver behind him.

I fall back on the couch sobbing and my brothers pull me in for a hug.

"Lauren you don't have to do this. We know you love Nick, you should be with him. We can handle everything else," Owen says and they all agree with him.

How can I turn my back on my brothers like that for my own feelings. I'd feel so guilty if they gave it up for me...

They helped me when I had no one. They were the family I never knew I needed. They did everything for me and it's time I pay them back.

So will it be Family or Love?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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