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Nick and I discreetly make our way back to the party like nothing happened.

Have to say, never had a quickie in my life. That was truly something...

Seems like everyone is on the dance floor so Nick grabs my arm pulling me towards it. It's a slow song and I wrap my arms around his neck and his around my waist.

We start swaying side to side and he brings his forehead to mine. "I'm the luckiest man in the world," he says in a whisper that brings a smile to my face.

"I think I'm the luckiest girl with have meeting you," I say back. "Damn right you are," he cheekily says and we both laugh.

We hear a dinging sound and all of our attention is bright to the front of the room. The music is turned off and in front of us is Mr Carver tapping his wine glass with a knife.

"Here we go..." Nick mumbles while wrapping his arm around my waist as we face him.

"I'd like to give a big congratulations to my son Nick and my future daughter in law Lauren," he gestures to us and the crowd erupts clapping.

My cheeks grow warm and Nick gives a few curt nods. "Not only are we here to celebrarte these two coming together but our companies as well," Mr Carver wickedly grins. He mainly directed that towards Liam. I see him near the front with my brothers and they're all clutching their fists.

I look up to Nick worriedly and he bends down and kisses my forehead. Of course Mr Carver had to make this night about him when it's literally Nick and I's engagement party....

All of the sudden we hear another dinging sound in the back of the room and we all turn around. There's a tall man in a black suit standing there. You can feel the power radiating off of him in the room. Behind him stands a boy that looks around our age.

Who is this guy?

I hear people gasp. "Who is that?" I whisper looking up at Nick. He looks at me with fear evident in his face then looks away from me a gulps. "Nick?" I question. He tightens his grip on my waist and pulls me closer to him.

I turn my head to look for my brothers and shock is evident on their faces. Now I really want to know who this guy is because I've never seen Liam look shocked ever.

Hell, they even look scared as well...

"Now Roger, you didn't think to bring this contract to my attention? As we know that company original started with three owners..." the mysterious man says.

"You left the company long before we split it into two Thomas! You have no right to barge in here. You know very well this has nothing to do with you!" Mr Craver shouts back.

I think the crowd has taken a hint as they quietly gather their things and leave.

Now it's just the Brooks, Carvers and the mysterious man who I now know is Thomas. Everyone walks closer to each other and it's so quiet, you can hear a pin drop.

"What's the meaning of this Thomas? You left a long time ago and have no business being here," Liam says, being the first one to break the silence.

"My my, look how much you have grown little boy," Thomas mocks. And all of my brothers glare at him.

I'm so lost. I have no clue who this man is and what he wants.

"The contract has been finalized there's nothing you can do," Mr Carver states.

"Did you forget that I signed that contract as well?" Thomas says with mischief hiding behind his eyes.

"The contract states that within our families the first born daughter and first born son shall marry and take over the business as a whole," Thomas states. What's he getting at?

"And as we know the first girl happens to be a Brooks but the next first boy would be my son Alex, given that he is one year older than Nick," he says and I feel my ears start to ring.

I look around and everyone is shocked. Never even expecting for this to happen.

No no no no

This can't mean that...

"So actually Lauren shall marry my son Alex and combine the company together and you have no part in it," Thomas tells Mr Carver.

I stumble backwards and Nick is right there to catch me. I look up at him and a tear falls down my cheek. Fear and worry are both evident in our eyes.

"Lauren, it's a pleasure to meet you," Thomas walks up to me and extends his hand out for me to shake. Nick pulls me behind him, "get your filthy hands away from my fiancé," he spits out.

"I suggest you get away from my sister right now if you know what's best for you," Liam walks up and shields us from him and my brothers join his side.

I never felt so protected before.

I look at the boy next to Thomas and he has a blank facial expression on his face. But doesn't take his eyes off of me. His gaze is making my skin crawl.

"Alright alright alright," Thomas says backing up and holding his hands up surrendering. "I can tell emotions are high but you'll both be hearing from my lawyers soon," and with that he walks out.

I feel like someone is suffocating me and I can't breathe. I can't even comprehend what is happening.

"Lauren?" Nick says turning to face me with a sad expression on his face and that's all it takes for the tears to start rolling down my cheeks.

"Baby," he quietly says and pulls me in for a big hug and I cling onto him for dear life.

"I'm going to take her home," Nick says addressing my brothers. "That's probably best," Liam states.

I pull away from Nick and face my brothers. They look as sad as I am. Liam walks over and pulls me in for a hug.

"I promise nothing is going to happen to you Lauren. I won't let Thomas do anything, don't worry," he rubs his hand up and down my back soothingly.

"We'll discuss this all tomorrow. I'd like you and Nick as well as Mr Carver to come over tomorrow to discuss the next steps in this...situation," Liam explains and I nod.

"I'll be there," Mr Carver says and Liam gives him a curt nod.

After hugging my brothers goodbye, Nick takes my hand and leads us to the car.

The car drives off and I sit there in silence.

I can't believe I'm going through this again. I was only ok with it because I love Nick. Now I feel like he's getting ripped away from me.

Nick pulls me to his chest and I wrap my arms around him. "Everything will work out in the end Lauren," he kisses my forehead.

I hope it does....

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