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"Who's that?" Parker asks, confused. "M-my fiancé," I stutter. His eyes widen. "I-I'm sorry Parker, but I really have to go." I tell him and run after Nick. He's already halfway down the field and I'm full on sprinting.

"Nick," I gasp out of breath as I stand in front of me. He comes to a halt with his hands fisted and his jaw clenched. The sight breaks my heart because it's directed towards me. Without a second thought I wrap my arms around his torso and bury my face in his chest. He raises his arms but doesn't hug me back. I can feel him breathing deeply.

"Nick, I promise you that what you saw was nothing." I mumble against his chest. His hands grab my shoulders and he lightly pushes me off him. My lips start to tremble.

"Didn't look like nothing." He harshly says and crosses his arms. "Nick..." I step forward to grab his arm but he steps back. A tear falls down my cheek and I close my eyes tightly. I take a deep breath and open my eyes.

"Parker and I used to date," I explain. His furious expression doesn't change. "Today was the first day I have seen him in years. What you saw was just us giving each other a hug. I know how it looked but I swear that's all it was. Just a hug." I explain stepping forward.

"So you're going to greet all your ex's like that?" He scoffs. "He's the only ex I've had. The only ex I will ever have," I say, placing my hand on his arm. He closes his eyes like he's in pain.

"Lauren!" I hear someone yell. I turn around to see coach. "Come on! We gotta start warming up!" He yells from across the field. I turn back to Nick and he's already walking away from me. I run up to him once again.

"You believe me right?" I ask walking next to him. He keeps his head straight and doesn't even acknowledge me. "Nick please. You have to," I'm full on crying now. I try grabbing his hand but he just flings his arm away.

"Lauren!" I hear coach yell again. I stop in my tracks but Nick keeps walking. "Nick!" I cry after him. He stops and turns around to face me. "I can't do this." Is all he says before he's gone.

My knees wobble and as I'm about to fall to the floor someone catches me. I look over my shoulder to see that it's Tara. She slowly lowers us to the floor and I cry into her arms.

"He left," I cry out.

Tournaments over and we're back in Grayson's car. I played like shit. I didn't even score one goal.

"Lolo seriously, what's up with you?" Owen asks. I don't say a word. "You know you can talk to us." Evan says from his seat next to mine. Still I don't respond.

"Was it Nick?" Grayson asks. I snap my head up and we make eye contact in the rearview mirror. He sees my reaction and nods his head. "Though I saw him there," he confirms.

"Guy please, I really don't want to talk about it now. I just want to get some sleep. We have a long drive home," I say and they all nod their heads.

I curl up into a ball and rest my head on the window's glass. I try to hold them back but the tears just fall down my cheeks. Did I lose him? Is he gone?

The past few days I've locked myself in my room. The only time I left my room was for food. I've been in my bed ever since everything that has happened. I texted and called Nick multiple times but no response.

Our engagement is tomorrow...

That only makes me cry harder. I can't do this. I can't just sit here and do nothing. I throw the covers off my body and march right down the stairs.

"Evan, can I use your car?" I ask. I probably look insane right now but I don't care. "Why?" He asks. "Cause I need it," I say, avoiding eye contact. "You're not going to buy drugs are you?" He asks worriedly. I punch him in the arm and he laughs. "Ow! Yes, here you go. But I swear to god you scratch her I'll pee in your cereal without you knowing," He says, placing his keys in my hand.

"Thanks...wait gross!" I exclaim. I walk out the door hearing him laughing from a distance. He's so weird...

I start the car and head to the penthouse. Please please please be there Nick.

I park the car and walk in and see Harold at the desk. "Hell Miss Brookes," he smiles. "Hi Harold," I smile back. "Do you know if Nick is here?" I ask nervously. "I'm afraid Mr. Carver has stepped out but I believe he'll be back soon," he tells me. "Ok thank you Harold." I say. "Have a nice night Miss. Brookes."

I make my way to the elevator and enter the password to the penthouse. Guess I'll just have to wait for him then. The elevator dings and the door opens. I walk into the place and take a deep breath.

It looks like how I last saw it. I make my way up to the bedroom and take a seat on the bed. Now we wait...

It's been hours and Nick hasn't showed up. He has to come back eventually. All of the sudden the clothes I'm wearing feel suffocating so I decide to change into one of Nick's shirts. I felt so comfortable wearing his clothes. I hope he doesn't mind...

I check my phone and it's currently 10pm. Is there a charger around here? My phone's about to die. I check the nightstand and open the drawer. I freeze when I see a small turquoise box labeled Tiffany & Co.

I pick up the box and slowly open it. I gasp when I see the biggest diamond ring ever. It's a silver band with diamonds surrounding it with one big one in the middle. It's beautiful. I slide it on my ring finger. It's perfect...

I jump when I hear a noise coming up the stairs. That must be Nick. I quickly place the box back in the night stand and awkwardly stand here waiting for him to come up.

The door opens and he walks through. The second we make eye contact he freezes. "Hey," I say, smiling sadly. "Hi," He says slowly and lowers his basketball bag to the floor.

"Nick-" I don't even get to finish before and comes rushing up to me and pulling me into his arms. I start to cry and hug him back tightly.

"Nick I am so sorry," I choke out and he hugs me tighter. "I promise you Parker means nothing to me. Nothing happened. You're the one I love, will always love." I sob, looking up at him.

"I believe you Lauren," he smiles sadly and wraps a piece of hair behind my ear. He sits down on the bed and pulls me into his lap. He wraps his arms around me and I wrap mine around him. I hug him close to me and rest my head in the nook of his neck.

"Parker actually sought me out and explained everything. I'm so sorry I didn't believe in you. I know this relationship isn't exactly normal but one thing I know is that I love you and I will work twice as hard to make this work." He says cupping my face. I lean into his touch and close my eyes.

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I cup my hands on his face and lean in to kiss him on the lips. As I pull away his places his hands over mine and frowns. He grabs my left hand and my eyes widen. SHIT. I didn't take the ring off!!

"Oh my gosh!" I quickly scramble off his lap and stand up. "I saw it while I was looking for a charger and I tried it on and I absolutely fell in love with it and then I heard you so I panicked and put the box away. And and and I'm sorry I should just take it off," I ramble out.

"No!" he says rushing towards me and grabs my hands. "I like it on you," he smiles and we both look down at my hand. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. "I honestly didn't know how and when to give it to you. Nothing felt like the right moment. So I'm glad you finally have it on." He explains smiling down at me.

"And besides..." he poses to lift me up so now that my legs are wrapped around his waist, "now everyone will know you're taken and mine," he smirks at me. I just shake my head and laugh. To be honest his words make me feel safe and protected.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love seeing you in my clothes?" He asks."Did I ever tell you how much I look wearing them?" I smile at him.

"Ya?" He asks, walking closer to the bed. "How about without them?" He smirks and my eyes widen.

I squeal when he throws me down on the bed and slowly climbs on top of me. We start making out and one thing leads to another and...ya.

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