"Do you guys need or want anything?" I asked them. "Yes! That box cheese and macaroni for me sister" said my sister. I looked towards Kate for anything, "Gummy bears please"

I shot them a thumbs up and we went to get ready.

Wanda and I were in one of the guest rooms getting ready. "So where are you going with this?". "Well we leave them here and let them take care if things. Be domestic."

"And what exactly would that do?" she questioned as she came to stand in front of me. "I'm not sure, maybe it could show them how great they'd be as co-aunts to our kids one day. It could work." I told her.

She didn't reply, but tears started welling in her eyes. "No baby don't cry, did I say something wrong?" I pleaded, pulling her in for a hug as tears poured from her eyes.

"No, it's fine" she mumbles, pulling away from the hug to wipe her tears away.

"Nothing is fine when you're crying, please talk to me..."

"It's just, when we met after Ultron you said kids are something you don't want" I did say that yeah...only cause I thought I was going to end up with Bruce.

"Wanda Romanoff-Maximoff, I want everything good with you. I want to move out to a suburb instead of a city apartment, I want to wake up everyday and know neither of us have to leave for months at a time, I want to grow old with you and I want tiny Wanda's running around our probably cliché looking house" I explained, ending with a chuckle.

She was now full on happy-crying, sap.

I pulled her into me and sat her down on the bed, just letting her get the emotions out. After about 5 minutes, she had stopped crying.

"I love you" she whispered into my side.

I know it's only three words, but those words are enough to make everything bad go away. "I love you too"


"Alright! Don't burn the house down, don't let Nate or Cooper leave the house, and keep an eye on them" Laura instructed the two women as we all sat in her truck.

Yelena fake saluted and Kate nodded.

"Have fun, and remember my mac and cheese" she said. We all let out a laugh at her love for the food, we bid our goodbyes and left. Truth be told we aren't actually going anywhere, just far enough for them to not see the car.

Yelena's POV:

Once Talia left with Laura and Wanda, Kate and I went back inside to finish the kitchen.

It didn't take too long since there was two people working on it. We were leaned over the table just sitting down for a minute.

"So, Kate Bishop...what do we do now?" I asked her, she looked at me confused. "You don't have to call me by my full name anymore, we're friends now" she said.

Yep. Friends.
Friends don't feel the way I do about you.

"Right sorry, Kate. How about we watch that movie with the kids?" that was weird to say, but there's nothing much else to do.

We walked over to the living room and saw all three siblings spread out across the couch. "I suggest you guys move so we could sit down as well or Lena is probably going to lay on top of you all!" Kate laughed, I mean she's probably right but no need to say that.

When the kids moved, we were in the middle of Lila and Cooper, while Nathaniel was on my lap.

The movie they were watching turned out to be Moana. She's cool, doesn't need a man in her life unlike Cinderella and Snow White.

An hour later the movie finally finished, I looked over and noticed I was the only one actually awake. I slowly got up and took Nate back to his room, once I did that I went back down to find Lila and Cooper gone. I was about to wake Kate up until I heard the two eldest behind me say their goodnights, atleast they aren't gone.

I slightly nudged the woman and she stirred awake, letting her eyes adjust to the light from the TV. "Hey, let's get you to bed yeah?" I said as I tried to lift her, but she didn't move.



"No" she said. I don't know how but she managed to pull me onto the couch with her. Once I was sat down she immediately cuddled into my side.

I can feel the blood rushing to my face, my heart beat going at 100 miles an hour. I nudged her with my shoulder and gave her a questioning look.

It was then she realized what she had actually done, she quickly let go of me and started saying sorry over and over.

"- I wasn't thinking I just- it was automatic. I'm so sorry Yelena, I get if it's weird now. I do-"

Shit, she's panicking what do I do.

An idea popped into my head, it isn't the smartest but it'll work.

All while she was rambling, I put my hands on the side of her face and smashed my lips onto hers.

It took her a few seconds to react but eventually she did, leaning into my left hand.
I pulled away and looked her in the eyes, it calmed her down.

I looked away to hide the blush on my face but once I was sure it calmed down I turned back to find her still looking at me.

"I'm sorry, you were panicking and I didn't actually mind you cuddling into me but it was the only thing I could think of to calm you down" I explained

She didn't move, she didn't look away, she just kept her eyes on me.

After a few minutes of awkward silence she did exactly what I did to her, but this was better. It wasn't because someone was panicking but cause it's what she wanted. I reacted instantly and kissed her back. That's when I felt a warm fuzzy feeling inside of me.

Wanda's POV:

It's been about an hour since we left, Nat parked the truck a mile away from the house and sat there for the time.

We were walking up the steps of the house, Laura in front to open the door. Once we got inside we hung our coats on the rack and moved further, when we made it to the living room we were met with Kate and Yelena kissing. I looked over to my wife and saw her face displaying the biggest smile ever.

"Cough cough" she said, inputting a fake cough after as well. What the hell? The two broke apart and look at her confused, we all burst out laughing at what Tasha had done.

When we calmed down we looked over at the two again "Want to explain?" I asked. They both shook their heads and looked down to our hands. Seeing them empty.
"Where's the stuff?" Lena asked Nat.

"Oh, we didn't go. I just needed to get you two together and it clearly worked." She boasted.

"So you didn't get my macaroni..." Yelena said, Nat shook her head and received a glare from her sister, telling her she should run.

She sped for the door and we watched Yelena go after her. Idiots.

Laura and I went to sit next to Kate, the blush still present on her face. "You like her?" Laura asked. Kate looked down and nodded, poor girl.

"Well I'm 100% convinced she likes you too, so once she's done chasing mine outside. Go get your girl" I smiled at the younger woman.

(1928 words)
Hiii, so this !

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