Chapter 10

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Location: A hospital in Hosu city


"Tenya, keep it down." His mother urged him. "And please, wear a mask.."

"The anesthesia just wore off. He opened his eyes, but he's still out of it." A nurse informed. "Had the surgery been delayed by even two minutes, it would've been too late."

"Tenya... mother.." a raspy voice called out, Mrs. Iida couldn't take the stress it seems, as she collapsed at the sound of her eldest son's voice.

"Tenya.. my amazing brother.... I know you... look up to me so.." He stopped, taking multiple breathes. "I'm sorry... Tenya.... your big brother..... lost.."


"You've got your costumes right?"


"Don't slur your 'yeah', Ashido." Aizawa reprimanded. "All of you, be on your best behavior! Now go."

"This is gonna be so fun!"

"Hmmm? You headed to Kyushu? It's the other way."

"You have my thanks."

"Have a save trip!"

"Texts you guys later!"

"Robo-kun." Gai's voice cut through the idle chit-chat of 1-A, Iida's turned to see both Gai and Uraraka. "If it ever gets too much and you need to talk.. just say something, alright?" He smiled gently while Uraraka nodded her head aggressively.

"... sure." Was all Iida said before heading off to his station, Gai sighed. "He's not gonna listen.."


"Usually I'm just waiting around for a call to come in." Said the The Normal Hero: Manual. "But lately, well.. Hosu's been in a bit of a panic."

"Because the number of patrolmen has been downsized?"

"That's right!" Manual snapped his fingers and pointed at Iida before walking normally. "Sure is nice to have Ingenium's little brother with me though.." He muttered quietly.

Iida walked behind the pro in silence. 'The hero killer, a phantom that even modern law enforcement hasn't been able to reach.... it may be in vain but I can't help but want to pursue him.' He clenched his fist. 'Because I... can never forgive him..'


"To be honest, I'm not a fan of yours."


"And I imagine the only reason you chose my agency is because I'm one of the top five most popular heroes, right?" Asked The No.4 Hero, Best Jeanist.

"But you decided to draft me..." Said Bakugo, slightly irritated.

"Yes! Because all I've had lately are little do-gooders... But you're the first in a long time who.." He slicked his hair to the side. ".. is a bit more ferocious. And my job as a hero is reforming people like you."

"Heroes and villains are two sides of the same coin, I can see it in those eyes of yours." Bakugo grimaced. "So what is it that really makes someone a hero?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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