Chapter 7

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Location: U.A, medical wing. (Third person POV).

Many sat in the medical wing of U.A mainly Aizawa, Thirteen, Gran Torino, and the Yagi family. Mirai currently had her hand intertwined with Gai's.

"So what's up doc?" Asked Gai taking a bite out of a carrot slice, many in the room looked confused when Recovery Girl laughed and Gran Torino chuckled.

"You should consider yourself lucky, the amount of blood you lost should have kept you unconscious." Recovery Girl informed looking far more serious.

"So that's why everything's so fuzzy." Everybody in the room snapped their head towards Gai who was looking at the ceiling.

"Kinda hard to feel the bed sheets." Gai gripped the fabric in his right hand.

"Gai... don't. Move." Mirai stated slowly before Gai fell backwards. "GAI!"

Recovery Girl flew into action. "We'll have to do an immediate blood transfusion, does anyone know his blood type?"

"AB positive!" Called Mirai already pulling her sleeve up, much to the surprise of the Yagi family.

"The universal receiver.. then I wish to donate my blood." Thirteen volunteered holding her hand up. "He saved me from a possibly life ending injury."

"Me too! Onii-chan can have some of my blood too!" Spoke up Izumi.

"Anything for my son." Inko called also pulling up her sleeve.

"I'll help too." Aizawa smiled from his hospital bed. "The kid saved my life back at the USJ, how can I not."

Recovery Girl nodded but refused Aizawa. "No you lose enough blood as is, giving any more could kill you."

Toshinori stood to the side watching the transfusion start, he could only watch as his injury stopped him from donating his blood. 'AB positive... I'm terrible, I didn't even know my son's blood type.'

"Thank you for this." Thirteen looked to Mirai in surprise. "It means a lot to do this kind of thing."

"No, no don't worry about it." Thirteen waved her hand dismissively. "He saved me back at the USJ... I should have been the one doing the saving but.. he jumped in without hesitation."

"Yeah he's an idiot like that." Mirai stated and Thirteen laughed, Izumi meanwhile was going through her own thought process. 'Onii-chan... you did so much in so little time.. I think you'll be better suited for this.'


"Hey, hey do you know whose teaching us today?" Uraraka asked Iida. School had been canceled for a day before being thrown back to went full throttle and the general question was who the substitute teacher was gonna be.

Before Iida could answer the door slid open revealing-



"I'm glad to see you're doing well, Sensei!" Iida shouted from his chair. "If you can call that 'doing well'...." Uraraka muttered.

"My welfare isn't important." Aizawa replied before thanking Gai for helping him get there. "Because your fight is far from over."

This caused the students to perk up. Another fight? Far from over? More villains? "The U.A sports festival is fast approaching!"

"That's so totally ordinary!"

"Hey, hey, is it really okay to have a festival so close from a villain attack?" Kaminari asked, to which Aizawa replied with. "It's necessary to demonstrate that U.A's crisis management protocols are sound.. that's the thinking apparently. Compared to past years, there'll be five times the police presence. Never mind that, our sports festival is... your greatest opportunity yet. It's not an event that can be canceled over a few villains."

"You sure about that? It's just some dumb festival..." Mineta muttered. "Come on Mineta, don't tell me you've never seen U.A's sports festival before?" Asked Izumi a little irritated, she had been getting more than a little annoyed by the boy. "Of course I have, that's not what I mean..."

"Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events!" Aizawa interrupted. "The Olympics was once the world's sports festival. The whole country would be whipped into a frenzy about them. But as you know, that tradition has become a shell of it's former self... and as far as Japan's concern, what's taken the place of the Olympics is..... the U.A sports festival!!"

"The nation's top heroes will all be watching right? They'll be there as scouts!" Yaoyorozu informed.

"They'll be looking to hire us as sidekicks after we graduate. That's how it's done." Kaminari said proudly at his knowledge. "And a lot of those sidekicks never manage to go solo, they're sidekicks forever. That'll be you Kaminari, you dunce." Said Jiro causing Kaminari to cry cartoonist tears.

"Naturally you'll gain valuable experience and popularity if you're picked up by a big-name pro. But your time is limited, show the pros that you belong to be here and you'll make a future for yourselves. This happens once a year.. you've got three chances. If you're hoping to be a hero, this is an event you can't miss!"

"Everyone's getting pretty pumped." Gai thought aloud watching his classmates celebrate. "And you aren't? This is our chance to join the ranks of heroes, of course we're in high spirits!" Replied Iida doing a rather stiff dance. "Weird way of showing it Robo-kun." Gai chuckled and went with Iida and Uraraka to get lunch where they learned that Uraraka's goal was to make enough money to give her parents an easy lifestyle when-

"Young Gai is here! I found you!!"

"Oh hello All Might, how can I help you?" Gai asked giving the No.1 hero a cheerful smile but the eyes under his hair were sharp. "Ah, I was wondering if you'd have lunch with me?" All Might replied sweating a little....

There was a tense, almost uncomfortable silence before-

"Sure!" Gai exclaimed walking with All Might while Iida and Uraraka walked to the cafeteria.

"I wonder what All Might wants with Gai." Uraraka thought aloud getting in line with Iida. "I heard he helped defeat the villains when we were attacked, that might have something to do with it." Iida replied. "Although it seemed there was some... friction.. between them." He finished while Uraraka nodded. Unbeknownst to them Todoroki had heard everything.


"So what do you need Toshinori?" Gai asked as soon as the door closed before looking at the couch to see the rest of the Yagi family. Toshinori was nervously fidgeting with the cuffs of his shirt, Izumi looked at the table in interest, and Inko, oh poor Inko, was the only one to make eye contact though it was obvious she was in distress. "Oh good evening Inko, Izumi. Now why am I here?"

"Well you see.. do you remember when you had a blood transfusion?" Toshinori asked. "Yeah it was literally two days ago." Gai replied wondering where this was going. "Do you know whose blood you had?"

"Sasaki, Thirteen, Aizawa said he wanted to but was denied, Inko, and...... wait.." Gai's eyes widened. "You didn't...."

"Congratulations Izuku you've become....."


"The 10th user of One for All.."

To be continued.

Ah the sports festival is here! Again I apologize for not uploading so much and that this was such a short chapter.

Word count is: 530.

Edit: so I've decided to come back to this chapter and instead of fixing a few things like the other chapters I've decided to add a lot of new.

New word count: 1,216.

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