Chapter 5: USJ

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We find our protagonist and his classmates sitting in a bus driving to the place they'll be doing rescue training. The ride was quiet until a student named Asui spoke up. "I generally speak what's on my mind Yagi." Said girl looked up. "Oh? What is it Asui?"

"Call me Tsuyu." She told Izumi before continuing. "You're quirk is similar to All Might's." To that Gai looked up. 'I wonder what you'll do now?' He thought watching Izumi shift nervously in her seat. "R-really?? Well I guess that would make sense as he's.." Izumi started. 'What!? No! don't say it!' Gai all but yelled in his mind.

"We're here." Aizawa called out unknowingly saving Izumi from a very important mistake while everyone got out of the bus.

"Oh look it's Thirteen!" Uraraka called out, swinging her arms around while Gai noticed Aizawa asking about All Might and Thirteen putting up three fingers in response. 'Must have gone over his time limit.' Gai thought as Thirteen went on to explain why they we're here and how dangerous quirks can be.

Feeling a dark presence Aizawa turned around to see a black mist spinning in a circle like motion before people began to walk out of it.

"Woah they even got fake villains!" Kirishima called out while Aizawa jumped in towards the new group. "Those are real villains! Thirteen protect the students!"

"Where is he?.... we've come all this way and brought so many playmates.....All Might.... the symbol of peace.. is he here...?" Spoke a man covered in hands. "I wonder if a couple of dead kids will bring him here?"

"Sensei aren't there intruder sensors!?" Asked a Yaoyorozu. "Of course there are! It must be one of the villain's quirks at work!" Thirteen responded quickly while making sure the students are safe. "If that's true then they must have more of a plan than I thought." Todoroki thought aloud. "That might be so, but we must evacuate now!" Thirteen called out quickly.

"I'm afraid I can't let you leave." Spoke the mist. "Greetings, we are the league of villains. Forgive our audacity, but we've invited ourselves into the birthplace of heroes." The mist started expanding. "To end the life of the symbol of peace.. All Might."

"We were under the impression that he'd be here, it seems his schedule was revised? No matter for my role stays the same." The mist said before Bakugo and Kirishima jumped towards him. "Not if we end you first!" Kirishima yelled. "Betcha didn't see that coming!"

"That was close... well it shouldn't be surprising.. students you may be, you are still the best of the best." The mist called out as the dust settled. "No, get back!" Thirteen called out, preparing to use her quirk. "Both of you!"

"Begone." The mist began to engulf most of the students. "Writhe in torment.. until you breathe your last!" And before they knew it more than half the class vanished.

With Izumi


'The flood zone!' Izumi thought feeling the cold water touch her skin. 'So his quirk is teleportation! What a crazy quirk! He said something about killing dad.. I need to find out what the hell is going on!'

"There you are!!" Izumi turned around to see a terrifying shark man. "It's nuthin' personal kid, but.. say goodbye!!"

"Yagi." Called out her frog-like classmate kicking the man-shark in the face before swimming away, Izumi wrapped around her tongue.

"Goodbye!!" The mutant quirk user shouted at the students.

"Goodbye." Asui replied before landing on the boat.

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