Chapter 6: USJ (again!)

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With Gai a few minutes earlier...

"Thirteen. Looks like a disaster relief hero... can't even come close to the most ordinary of heros when it comes to a fight.." The talking mist spoke preparing to use Thirteen's own quirk against her.

"Now!" Gai yelled tackling Thirteen to the ground while Uraraka used her quirk to send the mist into the air before it slowly vanished into thin air. "Sensei! Are you alright!?"

"Yes I'm fine, thank you." Thirteen replied taking Gai's hand to stand up. "Good because I'm gonna need you to watch over everyone here." Gai informed Thirteen and left before she could answer, it wasn't like she could have said anything as any argument died in her throat when she look at his back..

...His back was covered in blood, his overcoat and suit completely torn. Slowly Gai removed the top of his hero costume to reveal the skin of his back seemed to have been ripped off his body, the realization hit Thirteen like a truck. 'He... jumped in front of my quirk.. he protected me from my own quirk.'


Aizawa's been taking these villains- no thugs down for awhile now and they're slowly but surely wearing him down.


Aizawa turned to see Gai punching a mutant quirk user in the jaw. "Gai! What are you doing!?"

"Helping you out, you're fighting style is one on one with the advantage of surprise." He replied standing back to back with Aizawa. "I'll just take some of the load off ya'."

"I could have you punished for this you know that?"

"If the first mark on my record is because I was helping people then I'll take it." Said Gai sweeping one of the thugs off their feet and throwing them into the air for Aizawa to wrap-up and swing at the other thugs like a wrecking ball.

"Heh, fine kid you win." Aizawa smiled jumping over a thug's attack allowing Gai to sucker punch them in the face. "Just don't hit anything life threatening got it?"

Gai smiled just as wide and ducked under another thug's outstretched fist before swiftly popping it out of socket. "Got it."

"T-these guys are monsters!" Shouted one of the thugs while student and teacher quickly made work of this sorry excuse of a gang.

"Twenty-three, then twenty-four, then twenty?" The man covered in hands muttered beginning to run towards the duo. "Sensei.." Gai called. "Yeah that's him." Aizawa spoke using his wraps to rocket towards another thug to smash his knee into their solar plexus before dashing to the hand covered man. "The boss."

"That one was seventeen seconds." Said the leader to this so-called "league of villains" catching the cloth that was thrown at him and blocking Aizawa's elbow to his stomach. "It's kinda hard to see when you move around like that, but sometimes your hair falls in front of your eyes."

"Every time you land any given move your max duration gets lower and lower. Like using a Super Meter to make your combos stronger.." The teacher's elbow slowly began to disintegrate. "You're a real Rushdown aren't you?"

The teacher simply clicked his tongue before landing a heavy left hook to the blueberry haired villain's face and jumping away. "My elbow was disintegrating!"

"Your quirk.... it's no good in long battles, huh? This is difficult from your usual, right? Like I said.. you're a Rushdown character." Spoke the leader slowly standing back up. "But you jumped in anyway... were you trying to make the brats feel safe? So cool, so cool. Oh and by the way, hero..."

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