chapter 2

136 25 13

Jimin's POV

The CEO is my neighbour?! Also he lives right next door to me! Honestly, how worse can my life get?!

But wait why would a rich CEO of such a big cooperation live in such a place? This apartment complex is middle classed. Do all chaebols not like living in a fancy bungalow or apartment?

But seriously why do I have to take care of a grown ass 28 year old alpha?! Can he not take care of himself? Why does he need a caretaker at this age?

I know I did accept the job, I am too tired of searching for a job so I thought this is my last chance. But I definitely don't like the idea of literally being a nanny to a grown young men in his twenties.

I got to my place soon. My apartment is 023, his is? Wait?! Why does this apartment not have a number plate. It's in the corner, also the door seems different, it's a bit bigger than the rest and I can tell the lock system's really advanced for this particular door.

Like there's no door handle to it, so no one can enter unless someone opens it from inside.

Oh god! I have to do this?

Shut up jimin!

Yes I can do this! Just breath.

Slowly but hesitantly I rang the door bell and stepped back waiting for someone to open the door.

He lives alone, so obviously he will be opening it. That's what Mr Jung said, the CEO lives completely alone, not even a maid or chef lives with him.


Wait is that the door? Oh yeah, it is. But why is no one coming out? Am I suppose to just enter?

Ok here goes nothing.

I reached to the door slowly pushing it, but then I heard someone's voice.

"Hoseok, I don't need a caretaker?! Why don't you understand? I am telling you, whoever you have hired won't last long." I caught a glimpse of a man standing while his back faced me.

I pushed the door wide open and entered the apartment.

Wait?! How the hell is this apartment so different? Why is it so fancy? And what is this smell?! Eww! Aren't all the apartments in this complex similar? This one is just too fancy and luxurious, it doesn't even seem like it belongs here.

"So you are my caretaker?" I almost jumped hearing the sudden voice. I looked up and saw a man looking right in my way.

Is he the CEO?! No way! This man who is wearing a baggy t shirt with those dirty looking pants and his hair all messy looking like a bird's nest. This is Jeon Jungkook?

"Hello?" Oh shit! What am I doing?

"Ah yes, I am your new assistant." I bowed as a sign of respect but I don't think so I should.

"Ok ok. Hoseok hired a omega this time? I don't really see how that will make a difference. But yeah, I am Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you." He stretched his hand forward obviously going for a handshake. I did shake his hand but why is it so freaking sweaty?!

"I am park jimin. Nice to meet you too." I quickly snatched my hand away cringing hard.

He looked a bit confused for a moment but soon held his composure.

"So as hoseok said, you just have to take care of my meals and stuff. Honestly I don't really need that. Maybe you should just rest at your home, don't worry you will get your pay. Actually I just don't like people in my house. I can manage. So what do say, assistant park?" He said.

My Gamer CEO- jikookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن