
They sat in silence as the clockwork in Naruto's brain span.

"So, who am I going to be taught by?" Naruto asked, slightly ticked off.

"Apparently Kakashi asked Ebisu to train you." Sasuke muttered.

Naruto paused, "Ebisu? As in Ebisu? Konohamaru's guardian?" Naruto said incredulously.

Sasuke nodded. "Yeah."

Naruto blinked. "Oh hell no. I don't want to get trained by him, tell Kakashi that I said no."

Sasuke shrugged, "Sure, but who are you going to get trained by?"

Naruto bit his lip. "I don't know, maybe I can ask..." 'Yagura?'

Sasuke sensed that Naruto was withholding information from him again and sighed. "Naruto, eventually you have to start telling us the truth."

Naruto looked up and wavered, "What are you talking about?"

"It's painfully obvious that you keep secrets from us. Like how you knew Yagura, or Gaara, or Fuu. You shouldn't be able to know people from another village, much less the Mizukage." Sasuke stared at him. "So I will ask you again." Naruto looked down in slight guilt. "Are you keeping things from us?"

Naruto raised his head. "Yes."

Sasuke exhaled and nodded, "Okay."

Naruto tilted his head and gave a one sided purse of his lips. "I promise that I will tell you everything, when the time is right."

"Okay." Sasuke said monotonously.

'Is he... Annoyed?' Naruto thought, staring at Sasuke's blank face, slowly sipping the milk from the cereal. "I will tell the whole team. I promise."

Sasuke looked away, "I don't care that much."

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"It's just annoying that you don't trust your team when we are meant to trust each other with our lives, and much less an Uchiha."

Naruto scoffed, "Well, here's the Uchiha ego again!" He let out a laugh.

Sasuke gave a small smirk and finished the food. "Thanks for the food."

Naruto smiled, "My pleasure."

Sasuke stood up and walked towards the door, "I'm going to go tell Kakashi about your decision, then let Sakura know that she should train under a medical ninja because of her abilities."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "Her abilities?"

"Don't you think she should be a medic nin? Her small reserves give her excellent chakra control, she would be good at it." Sasuke answered.

"You put a lot of thought into that, didn't you?" Naruto asked.

"Of course, she's my teammate, as you are." Sasuke answered and opened the door. "See you later."


Sasuke closed the door softly and Naruto heard his footsteps trudge away from his door on the other side.

Naruto chuckled to himself and glanced at Sasuke's empty bowl. 'While I've been focussing on the Jinchuuriki, I didn't notice that Sakura and Sasuke changed.' He thought guiltily. 'I should do something.'

And he did.


But first, Naruto decided to unwind.

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