Special Chapter: Love Birds

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This is a very short special, but it's only because I am terrible with romance, apologies if you don't like it. If you have recommendations about how to improve this, you're absolutely allowed to tell me. 

Also I'm close to finishing part eleven and I might be able to publish it, but it ends on a cliffhanger... Should I publish it now or wait till next year. Time is running out so please let me know :)

Love birds

Pinga's POV

The day had finally arrived, the day of the festival. I honestly wasn't all too excited about the idea of humans in the city, but I trusted the mayor considering how much she did for the beastmen. And to be honest I was looking forwards to seeing a certain falcon beastmen at the festival tonight. But first I had a few things I needed to do, like taking a shower and then getting dressed to impress. I grabbed the leather tux that was displayed on my bed and headed to the bathroom, after my shower I gelled my hair back and headed out to the festival.

After miss Nazuna and miss Savanna's concert I went over to congratulate Savanna first since Nazuna had her hands full with the fans, "Congratulation Sav, that performance was amazing." Savanna smiled back at me, "Thank you for a nice compliment Mr. Pinga. But, don't you have a 'date' tonight?" I looked away and coughed awkwardly, after my previous visit to the co-op Savanna kind of caught me staring at Talon and now she's trying to wingman me. "Well that depends if I can find her or not." I tell her while scratching the back of my neck nervously. She looks at me with a confident smile before responding, "Don't worry, Talon has a way of showing up just in time for things." She sends me a wink before turning and helping Nazuna with the paparazzi. I smile thinking about how this wolf reminded me a lot about someone I know, I just couldn't quite figure out who exactly.

While I was thinking to myself I felt someone lightly grip my shoulder, "Enjoying the party?" I turned around only to be met with those beautiful brown eyes and that sweet smile. Though Talon had a strong and dangerous aura, she had this incredibly sweet smile that could melt any man's heart, in this case, mine. "You look...uh gorgeous." I tried to compliment her, but I couldn't find the words to describe how breathtaking she looked. "Thank you, you look very fresh as well," she said before taking my hand in hers, "Walk with me." She started heading to the direction of the park and I followed, our hands still locked together. 'Not that I was complaining.'


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We continued to walk calmly through the park, the night sky shining brightly above us. I looked around to see couples talking and laughing, some sat on the park benches while others strolled through the park like us. I glanced back at Talon who had her eyes fixed ahead, her soft smile still visible. Eventually we sat down on one of the park benches and started a conversation. "So tell me more about yourself miss Talon." She looked away for a moment, thinking of what to say before answering, "Well I was born and raised in small town with my single mother until I was sixteen, she caught a deadly virus that was spreading through town and needed urgent help. I left home and began migrating from city to city in search for help, and eventually I landed on an island where I met someone who was able to help my mother. She helped cure the entire village and to repay her the townsfolk gave her full right to the territory," she made it sound like it wasn't a big deal when in reality, taking other territories is a very big deal for beastmen. I wanted to say something but decided not to interrupt her. "After helping my people, the woman took me with her back to the island and began giving me combat-training, by the time I was 21 I was already the finest fighter on the island. I've been her head of security ever since then." She really was a fascinating person, "So why did you come to AnimaCity, for a vacation or something?" She shook her head no before quickly changing the subject, "How about you, have you always been a migratory beastmen?" She didn't answer my question but I decided to let it slide. "Yes, my ancestors were all migratory beastmen and this tradition has remained in our family for generations." I tell her proudly.

We were talking for a while about literally anything as we waited for the midnight firework show, I very much enjoyed our time spent together. But it felt like Talon was uncomfortable the whole time, she would discreetly be playing with the hem of her dress nervously and would look at everything but me. "Hey, are you alright?" I asked her in concern, she looked at me and gave a nervous smile. "Yes I'm alright, it's just that..." She bit her teeth nervously and looked away, "It's just I'm not used to this type of date." I looked at her confused, but then smiled after realizing what she meant and then I burst into laughter. Her cheeks immediately turned as red as a tomato and she glared at me, but I could care less right now. She may have a dangerous aura, but right now she looked super cute with her red cheeks. "I'm sorry Talon, I guess it just surprised me to see a strong woman like you so nervous. But I shouldn't have laughed like that, will you forgive me?" She was still fuming at me, but then she sighed and nodded her head. I still felt bad about laughing and decided that I was going to make this date as comfortable as possible for her. "Hey about we do something else, something you would normally do?" Her eyes then had a hint of fire in them and she smirked at me, "Are you sure you can handle my 'normal'?" she asked in a challenging way, I smirked back at her. "Madam, I used to be in the military, fighting against some of the most powerful beastmen in the world. So I accept any challenge you may have." He grin only got wider as she stood up from the bench, I also jumped up. "Try to keep up albatross." With that Talon transformed and flew into the air at an incredible speed. 'Wow, she sure is something.' I thought to myself as I also transformed to fly after her.

We went back to where the festival was being held and went to the booths that had games such as target practice, fishing, darts and things like that. "Wow, this is not what I expected Talon. What are we doing here?" I asked her and in return she grinned, "We're here for a tournament of course." 'Of course, she has that competitive personality.' I think to myself with a smile. "Very well ma'am, may the best beastmen win." I held my hand out to her and she took it with a firm grip and a strong smile, "Thank you, I plan to." Our first challenge was an 'arrow shooting challenge' and boy was it a lot of fun. We had color-coded arrows, mine was orange and hers was purple. The first round was an easy win for Talon since I haven't done this in a while, I accidentally missed the first shot while she hit the target perfectly. Our second round was also an easy win for her as she once again hit the middle, in my defense I did hit the target the second time around. And finally our last round, I actually hit the middle this time, but it still was nothing compared to what Talon did. Not only was her shot perfect, but it also went through the target. "That...is some shot." I tell her, totally dumbfounded just like the man behind the booth. "I DID tell you that I've been training my whole life." I shrugged and smiled at her, "What's next?"

After the arrow shooting we had darts throwing and then fishing, in the end Talon won by a landslide. After our little competing session was over we went to get candy apples and some refreshments. We were now back in the park on a bench as we ate our snacks. It was nearly midnight and we just sat there in a comfortable silence. While we were sitting there I took notice of Talon's beautiful brown eyes as she looked to the sky, waiting for the fireworks to start. "Beautiful..." It was barely a whisper but Talon heard me and looked at me with her killer smile. "Was that meant for me?" I tried to answer but at that moment I couldn't locate my voice, so I just nodded like an idiot. 'Wow, real romantic Pinga.' I think, annoyed by myself. Talon just flashed me another bright smile and leaned in closer before landing a small kiss on my cheek. I felt my cheeks burn and I'm pretty sure I looked like a cherry, Talon's chuckle confirmed my suspicion. "W-what was that for?" She shrugged, "I want to thank you, I had a great time tonight. We should do this again sometime." If my face wasn't red already it certainly was now, "S-sure, I'd like that."

Just then the clock struck midnight and the night sky was filled with neon lights as the fireworks were shot into the sky. We sat there looking at all the beautiful colors, so beautiful. I wasn't sure which was better, the fireworks in the sky, or the ones reflecting in Talon's eyes. As the fireworks ended I sat there looking at Talon, 'Best night ever.'

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