Part eight

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Fang's POV

There was, surrounded by men in black, all holding their weapons towards me. Their leader being the one standing right in front of me, all I am capable of doing is to stand there and wait for their next move. "Stand down men!" The man in charge says out of nowhere, catching me off guard. "Apologies for the fright ma'am, we're not here to harm you. I roll my eyes him, 'Did this fool really think he could harm me.' I just glared at him in silence, and in return he also returned the glare. "I take it you're the mod boss, or are you just of the many in this city?" He stopped glaring at me and was now looking at me with a stern face. "That depends, do you know any other mafias in AnimaCity?" I give him that 'did you seriously just ask me that' look and he gave a quiet chuckle. "Of course not, you're obviously not from AnimaCity. And you don't look like the type who would come here seeking salvation, that leaves a lot of questions. Who are you, and why are you here?"

Author's POV

In the city of Tokyo, Alan Sylvasta is in his penthouse office going through a huge amount of research papers. "Where is it?!" He shouts in frustration before continuing his search, eventually stopping once he hears someone knocking on the door. "Come in," he says and two men enters the office. One is a muscular looking man in a camouflage outfit carrying a tranquilizer gun while the other man is a short and chubby man with nerdy glasses, also in camo. "Thank you both for coming," Alan starts and greets them by hand, "I'm sure you're wondering why I asked for you." "No, not really," the muscular man said, "We heard rumors that you were responsible for the Nirvasyl Syndrome outbreak in AnimaCity one month ago." The other man laughed wickedly, "Yeah, and now you want protection from beastmen who wants revenge." They both start laughing and pretending to be a scared Alan begging for help. Alan slams his hands hard against his desktop and they stop laughing to look at him. "I hired you to bring me a beastmen alive not to kill beastmen." They both looked at him a little disappointed but nodded nonetheless. "I need you to get me a certain wolf beastmen by the name, Shirou Oogami." He picked up the folder that was on his desk and handed it to them. In the folder was a picture of a wolf beastmen and all the necessary things there was to know about him. The two men scanned the folder before the chubby man looked at Alan concern. "There's a problem here Alan, the file says he's immune to tranquilizers. How are we supposed to bring him in?" Alan lightly chuckled before handing them some sort of tranquilizers, "These darts were made specifically for that beastmen, just two shots of these and he'll be asleep for at least three hours." They take the darts and nod before leaving his office.

Alan's POV

After they left I sat back in my chair and looked at Oogami's file. I didn't want to take those extreme measures, but Fang has given me no choice. Hearing that I was on her target-list I quickly went ahead and did research on her. Ever since the Nirvasyl syndrome thing I caused I decided to lay low for a while, but didn't last long after Fang joined the picture. From what my sources told me, Fang is some sort of leader to the beastmen, a specific type of beastmen called 'Wild Beastmen'. Whatever the heck that means. But the biggest secret I found out was that, Shirou Oogami is Fang's son. 'It was rather very unexpected.' I think to myself before going through the mountain of paperwork in front of me. No one knew that it was me who literally caused the outbreak, they only know that I created the drug and gave the government the technology to distribute it. "Now it makes sense how she found out, Oogami must've told her." I tell myself out loud.

Just then I found what I was looking for, "Ah Ha!" I take the very small folder that wasn't even two pages thick and open it. Inside was an image that was caught on camera, the image was caught at a nearby bar in Tokyo. The image is blurry but it clearly shows the form of an object flying, the object has a shimmering design that looks similar to platinum. And by the blur this thing was moving at an incredible speed. I turn the page to see another image, this time it was taken from one of my silent drones in AnimaCity. 'Well... You know us billionaires, we do love our toys.' I think to myself while smiling. In this picture you can see a pure black wolf beastmen with the same flying object as before, this time the object is seen clearer and my sources tells me it's some kind of bio-weapon. Fang owns one of the biggest Tech companies in the worlds, Beast Tech, so it's no surprise that she'd have a bio-weapon. The only question is why would she need a bio-weapon; her company has a digital organ printer that literally creates perfect organs for patients. Which means she gives a pretty good reputation for beastmen. But both those camera footages showed that weapon slicing beastmen hunters into pieces, proofing that she has no remorse for any humans who hurt beastmen. 'And it looks like I'm next on her to-kill-list.'

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