Part two

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Hi everyone, so I saw a lot of people adding this story to their reading lists and I just want to thank you. So here's the new improved part two ;)

Beast Tech

Author's POV

The next morning Michiru woke up pretty late, Mr Jem's usual morning crow woke her up. She slowly open her eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight in the room, she led out a long yawn before she got out of bed. She looked out the window to see Jem on the roof crowing, "Morning Mr Jem, what a beautiful day." Michiru says before looking passed him towards the Sylvasta Medical centre, suddenly her smile turned into a sad face as memories of the Nirvasyl incident comes back to her. Seeing all those beastmen turning into wild, uncontrollable monsters, it really made her feel terrible for even trusting Alan in the first place. She was scared when she saw those beastmen get Nirvasyl Syndrome, but it got even worse when Shirou turned into one of those beasts. 'Thank goodness I had the cure in my DNA, or else we would've been in trouble." Michiru thinks to herself before subconsciously smiling again. "Michiru?" "Huh?" Michiru asks when she heard her name being called, Jem chuckled when heard her silly responds. "Weren't you listening? I said; Mrs Melissa called you down for breakfast." He repeats himself and Michiru is finally snapped out of her thoughts at the mention of food. "Oh right, thank you Mr Jem." She responds shortly before running out of her room and heading down the stairs.

Michiru's POV

While we were eating Shirou kept staring and the newspaper Mr Jem had in his hands, I couldn't help but feel like there was something written on it that meant something to Shirou. Before I could ask him Mrs Melissa started talking to me, "Michiru, do have anything special you would like to wear for the festival?" Melissa asked me and I felt a bit shocked that she ask me that. "Uhm... No, I haven't really thought about it. I was just planning on wearing my normal clothes." I said and she looked at me confused. "Oh, well that's odd. Miss Nazuna asked me if I wanted to join you two for some shopping, she said you two were going to go look for something to wear for the festival." I mentally roll my eyes, 'Of course she did.' Ever since Nazuna became an idol she's been helping the mayor out with event planning and stuff, so it was no surprise that she was aware of this festival. "Oh yeah, now I remember. I promised Nazuna that we would go find something good to wear for the party." I lied hoping this it would work, thankfully it did and Melissa smiled sweetly. "Well then, I hope I won't be intruding." I quickly shook my head 'no' and we both smiled at each other. I peeked over at Shirou's direction to find that he was still looking at the newspaper intensively. 'What is so important on that newspaper?' I ask myself before continuing with my meal.

After we all finished eating Shirou stood up and started heading towards the door, he stopped right in front of it and turned to look at me. "I'm heading to the police station to see if they have any jobs, do you want to come with?" He asks and I couldn't help but smile at his offer. 'He's been taking me on a lot of missions lately, I wonder why?' I think to myself, "Sorry, but not this time. Nazuna will probably drop by, or I'll go visit her. Whichever comes first." I tell him kindly. He seems very disappointed, but nods nonetheless as he leaves. When the door closed Jem stood up and placed the newspaper on the table, "Well, I need to get to work." He says before exiting the door, I look at paper for a moment. 'Maybe I can figure out what Shirou was looking at.' I think to myself. Standing up I take the paper from the table and head towards my room. "I'll see you later Mrs Melissa." I say in which I get an 'alright' in reply.

I quickly ran up the stairs with the paper in hand, when I got to my door I swung it open. As I was about to enter I stopped in my tracks when I saw none other than Nazuna on my chair. "Nazuna?" I ask and she smiles at me before waving. "Took you long enough, I was beginning to die of old age." She says jokingly and I smile. "If I knew you were here I probably wouldn't have taken so long." I tell her before walking up to her. She gives me a hug and motions for me to sit down, as I was sitting down Nazuna noticed the newspaper in my hand. "Hey, are you reading a newspaper?" She asks and I give a questioning look. "What do you mean?" I ask her confused, totally forgetting about the newspaper that was still in my hand. She takes the piece of paper from my hand and starts going through it, "Since when do you read newspapers?" She asks, a little disgusted by the though. "I don't, Shirou was staring at it and I want to know what he was looking at." I tell her and she makes a silent 'oh' with her mouth. "What was he looking at?" She asks and I shrug, "I'm not sure, that's why I brought it here. Now I can try to figure it out." She looks through the pages before whining loudly, "Why would you wanna read this Michiru, there's not even one good article in this old thing." She complains and I start giggling at her pointless tantrum. "Well Shirou isn't really the type that reads magazines, Miss Idol." I say jokingly before taking the paper from her. While I was searching Nazuna kept bugging me for going through so much trouble just to spy on Shirou, I didn't comply because I myself didn't even know why I was doing this.

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