Part fourteen

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Nazuna's POV

I flew over the outside of AnimaCity, and yes, I know I promised the mayor that I would be safe at home. But how could I when there was chaos going on around me, and boy was it chaotic. Wild beastmen were now just outside the city, attacking anyone who was anywhere near the city-walls. I quietly flew over them, trying not to get spotted by them. Unfortunately, it didn't work since one of the beastmen looked up and stared right at me. 'Oops,' I silently cursed myself for not listening to the mayor. I tried to turn back around, but an unexpected swan beastmen crashed into me, forcing me down. I felt on the concrete floor, scratching and bruising places on my body. "Ouch! Man, that hurt. What-" I stopped talking when I looked in front of me to see, at least ten wild beastmen surrounding me. They growled and snarled as they glared at me, I awkwardly smiled while backing away from them, getting trapped in the process.

Just then I spotted two familiar wolves in the group, "Savanna, Savage?" They were snarling at me, not listening to me at all. Guys please, you have to stop. Michiru will get Shirou back, I promise." At first, it looked like they listened because they stopped growling and tilted their heads to the side, but then they quickly shook it off and continued to approach me like a predator stalking its prey. "P-please! If you do this, then you're no better than the beastmen-hunters." My words didn't sit well with Savage because he growled at me angrily, and was getting ready to pounce. I hid behind my hands in fear, knowing that it wouldn't help me. However, I didn't expect to feel no pain at all, I slowly removed my arms to see that they were gone. 'Where did they go?' I quickly sprouted wings and headed back towards AnimaCity, 'Mayor Rose was right, I should just stay home.'

Michiru's POV

Fang was glaring at Alan, "It's over, Sylvasta, you have nothing left to lose. Surrender, now!" Alan returned her glare, before starting to chuckle lowly. "And why would I do that? Just so you can finish me off? No! I won't give in that easily." With that he transformed into his giant golden-wolf form. He was so big that the lab didn't have enough room for his body, it started to crack and crumble in places. Everyone's eyes were wide as his three heads appeared, laughing like the maniac that he was. "You didn't really think I would give up without a fight, did you!?" one of his heads asked as the other two snapped at us. "Everyone out, now!" Shirou yelled, Ghost went through the walls while Talon and Fang flew to safety. Alan used his howl-beam in the direction I was, "Michiru, move!" Shirou yelled, but my legs wouldn't allow me to move, no matter how hard I tried. 'This is it,' I thought to myself, 'I'm a goner.' I closed my eyes as I saw the golden beam heading my way, luckily a pair of strong arms grabbed me just before it could hit me. I tried to wrap my arms around the person, think it was Shirou, but when I didn't feel any body I opened my eyes to see that my body was wrapped around that same wing-thing that Fang had earlier, that was apparently some kind of flying creature. "W-what?" I asked in shock and the flying creature looked at me in curiosity, then gave me some kind of smile before carefully placing me on the ground outside the building. "T-thank you?." I wasn't sure if it even heard me, it just flew in the direction, which I assumed Fang was, and disappeared. 'Okay...'

I couldn't dwell on it too long since the next thing I saw was Alan falling down on the ground, with Shirou pushing him to the ground in silver wolf form. "You'll pay for that!" Shirou said, referring to Alan nearly killing me. "Aww, does Oogami have a crush on Michiru?" Alan asked sarcastically, then chuckled nastily, earning a growl from Shirou. "Shut up!" He snarled then bit into Alan's neck before sliding him across the ground. He was about to bite into Alan's neck again, but Alan got to it first, biting Shirou on both sides with his heads and head budding him with the third. Once Shirou hit the ground, Alan stomped on him with his paw, keeping him down. "No, Shirou!" I ran up to them and jumped towards one of Alan's heads, ready to gorilla-punch him. Unfortunately, Alan saw me coming and his right-head grabbed me before I could even react. It started biting into my waist and I screamed in fear as I felt it's teeth on my flesh. "Michiru!" Shirou managed to turn his head slightly and was about to use the howling beam when Alan stopped him. "I wouldn't, not unless you want to hit your precious Michiru in the proses." Shirou knew he couldn't do anything, I could see it in his eyes as he stared at me in worry. Even in my terrified state, I gave him a confident smile and nodded, earning one in return. "Unlike you, Alan, I am not alone."

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