Discontinued delete dates

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Hey guys, if you read one of my previous chapters you would know that I am deleting two of my books. What if and Nothing To Remember are the ones on the chopping block. In the past I didn't have a date for their deletion, but I have come up with one now.

The date will be May 30th, so that there is enough time for you guys to read it before I delete the books. I also chose that date because it is on a Saturday, so I will most likely be doing nothing and will remember to actually delete it that day.

I'm sorry if any of you guys liked those books, but this was my decision because I have no motivation to keep writing them. I am sorry if I crushed your dreams, or if you wanted to know what was gonna happen next, but this is my choice as author and I'm sure that you would respect that and want others to respect you if you did the same thing.

The Sargent is out, peace!

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