Author's note

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Hello there  ❀
Thank you so much for clicking on this story. Welcome to my very first dabble into the world of fanfiction. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Before posting the story there were a few things I wanted to address to avoid any confusion.


Every chapter will be around 1k to 2k words, which some might consider rather short. I choose to do this because I'm a slow writer - I often re-read and edit multiple times before feeling happy with the text - but this way I can still post every week (on Thursday) and I really want to keep this story going - for myself and everyone who enjoys it  ❀
On that account I'm afraid to admit that I've become quite an attention hog. I love all your comments and interactions with the story, I get a little endorphin rush whenever I get a Wattpad notification so please keep them coming!


A character that is probably considered OC will play a big role in this story. While his existence is canon, we don't know his name, his birthday or his character. Which means I basically had all the freedom in the world to mold him myself. (Which also means that if we ever learn more about his canon counterpart I will probably have to amend a few things *sweat*.)
Otherwise I do my best to keep the story canon-compliant, especially when it comes to the timeline. I had so much fun doing research for this story I actually have a whole file filled with random character's birthday's.


I always had a soft spot for villains, and while Petunia Dursley is as unlikeable as one can get - taking her grudges out on a helpless child who is dependent on her care - Petunia Evans' fate is quite pitiful. 

Please keep in mind that I don't intend to character bash anyone, especially not Lily, but as this story is told from Petunia's point of view everything is going to be colored in her opinion and how she perceives other's actions. So while people might not be truly vicious or mean-spirited, they could appear as such in Petunia's mind. 


Appearance-wise I'm going with the book descriptions, not the movie actors portraying the roles.
Petunia is described as 'a bony woman with blonde hair and a very long neck' which I thought fitted Elle Fanning quite well, because she matches what I imagine a young Petunia could have looked like.

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For Lily I first cast Emma Stone, because not only does she have beautiful green eyes, feature-wise she also looks like she could be related to Elle Fanning

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For Lily I first cast Emma Stone, because not only does she have beautiful green eyes, feature-wise she also looks like she could be related to Elle Fanning. By now I'm aware that there's already a very popular fanon cast for Lily, Sophie Skelton, so if you're more comfortable with her then don't mind this part and imagine her however you prefer  ❀

 By now I'm aware that there's already a very popular fanon cast for Lily, Sophie Skelton, so if you're more comfortable with her then don't mind this part and imagine her however you prefer  ❀

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A young Severus Snape is perfectly embodied by Adam Driver in my opinion :P Though of course no-one can ever challenge Alan Rickman's claim to the role.

And for our mysterious OC character I cast Heath Ledger because I might be obsessed with him (and he fits the description, so oh well)

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And for our mysterious OC character I cast Heath Ledger because I might be obsessed with him (and he fits the description, so oh well)

And for our mysterious OC character I cast Heath Ledger because I might be obsessed with him (and he fits the description, so oh well)

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With all that out of the way, let's get this story started! I hope you guys'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it  ❀

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