AU, Elevator Shafts, Part 2.

Start from the beginning

"Well, I've never read any stories where a brave young, handsome, brave, smart, chivalrous, brave, handsome young man gets stuck in an elevator with an unnamed girl." I groaned when she dug her elbow into my already bruised side.

"No, Moron, I was talking about how many stories of this building."

"Oh, well, I didn't know this building had any interesting stories." She shoved me away, and unfortunately, her shove coincided with one of those lurches and I went hurtling across the tiny room. This time, I managed to slam my knee and my left hip into the wall.

"Oops," said the girl, without any sympathy.

"You did that on purpose," I groaned.

"Let's just call it a happy accident."

I lurched back to my spot, having caught another rough spot. "Let's play Twenty Two Answers."

"You mean Twenty Questions?" She was looking at me suspiciously now.

"No, that's boring. Twenty Two Answers is like...a get to know you game."

"Why?" She drew the one word out into a long exasperated sigh.

"Do you have anything better to do?" She didn't respond. "Fine then, I'll go first. What's your favorite color?"

There was a pause, and I held my breath, hoping she would respond. "Green, but I also like blue. What about you?"

"Gold, because one day I'm going to have lots of it."

I could hear her eye roll in her question, "What's your lucky number?"

"Two," I answered.

"Eight, I've got the bigger one." She sounded self satisfied in her answer.

"Doesn't change the fact that I'm like three heads taller than you." I grinned, knowing this response would set her off. I was right.

"Oh Shut up, you Mister High and Mighty!!"

"Well, if I'm Mister, then you can be Missus." I nearly laughed when she started to say something else and choked, "Even?"

She didn't respond, unless you count more choking.

"Favorite Animal?" I asked, after a few more moments of her flustered choking.

"Zebras, unless you count bees." She managed to cough out in a wannabe nonchalant voice. I imagined her face was a tomatoey shade of red at the moment.

"I like lions, and also monkeys. They're like distant cousins of mine, I think."

"I wouldn't doubt it. How many siblings do you have?"

"Just Connor, but I've got like a bazillion cousins."

"Including, or excluding those monkeys?" She asked wryly.

"I've got a bazillion either way."

She laughed, and I felt something in my chest twist. I really wanted to hear that sound again. "I have a sister and two brother. My sister and I share the same mom, and my brothers share my dad. I grew up with my step mom, my mom picked up and left when I was just a few years old." She shrugged, like she couldn't care less. But it was obvious from her voice that she cared alot. "My Step mom is awesome though, so no loss there."

I slid my arm back around her shoulders, "Yeah, my dad runs some big corporation, the Hermes Express. It's a mail and delivery service. He's got all the time in the world for his job, but none for his kids." I knew I sounded bitter, but I just couldn't help it.

"Wait," The girl sat rigidly, like one of those rail spike things, staying super still until a train, or elevator lurch, comes along and shakes it up like a thing of koolaid, "You mean the Hermes Express? Your Travis Stoll? Like, the son of Hermes?"

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