"I'm- I'm here to help John." I pull John away from the door, pulling his arm over my shoulder, helping him stand. "If you won't help him, I will," I bite out, turning to leave. "Why're you with him, when you could be-"

I turn the corner and teleport us into my room. "John... you can- you can sleep here for the night. I'll get you some Advil and shit in the morning, just- just sleep. You can have the bed, I'll take the floor."

Now I pray that my dad doesn't walk into my room.

ii. Seventeen

Two rapid knocks sound at my door. "Shit," I breathe quickly. "Wha-"

The door starts to open, and I quickly mutter a "Emit pots," making the door stop straight in its tracks. "Wait, what the bloody fuck did you ju-"

"Made it so that you don't get murdered by my father," I explain. "Your father..?"

"Yes, dumbass." I roll my eyes and then the headache kicks in. "Are you alright, Love?"

"I'm fine. Just... let's get you the fuck out of here before my father finds you." I open my window for him. "I don't feel like being crucified today, alright? Please, just go," I plead, and he complies, surprisingly. "Love, I'm sorry if I ever put anythin' on you."

"You don't have to apologize for any-"

"I love you, Zee. You might not believe me, but, I truly do." He kisses me lightly and perfect, my heart and body melting in that one moment, and then he exits my room, jumps from the window to the ground below, and I smile after him, cancelling the spell with a flick of my wrist. "Zee, why is your window open?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Must've- must've left it opened on accident," I lie, closing it. "John was here, wasn't he?"

"Don't know what you're talking about," I lie, and he sighs. "Piccola, how many times must I tell you? He's no good for you, darling, why won't you understand that? I'm your father, Zatanna. I only want the best for you."

"What about the rest of the world? What about the people that aren't as fortunate as I am, what- what about people like John?" I question. "You always preach that we should be good, help everyone, but you refuse to allow me to help John," I point out. "That's because the way you want to help him, that isn't just a one-time. It's a sentence for the rest of your life, darling. I'm sorry that he's going throu-"

"No the hell you're not. You want him gone, dead."

"Can you blame me? You've snuck out of the house almost every night to "save" him," Dad says, and I fall silent.

I hear John's scream in my mind.

"D- Dad! Stop!" I hear. John... "I'm sorry, Dad," I sigh. "For what?"

"I need to... something's wrong with John. I need to go," I tell him with an apologetic smile, then teleporting where Mr. Constantine was carving something into John's arm. "It's your bloody fault she's gone, Killer!" Mr. Constantine yells. "Stop, get off of him!" I yell at him, prying his hands away from John. "C'mon, John. I'll get you out of here," I spit out, shielding him. "You don't deserve to be here."

"Always need your girlfriend to pull you out, eh, Killer? Be a man an' stand up for yourself!"

"John? Dad?" Cheryl asks, walking into the room. "Go back to your room, slag. This don't concern you," Mr. Constantine tells her. "Obviously if you're telling me that it doesn't concern me, it absolutely concerns me. Now, get away from my brother. Don't make me ask you again, arsehole."

"Thanks, Cheryl," I say as I exit the house, John's arm around my shoulder. "I've got you, don't worry," I assure him. "You'll be back, Killer!" Mr. Constantine yells.

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