I Do

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(This one's not taken from a kpop song it's just a normal oneshot :) enjoy)

It's my wedding day.

After so many years of being with John, playing this "Will we, won't we" game, we finally made it. "You're beautiful. I might not agree with who you're marrying, but at least you're gonna be gorgeous."

"Isn't that all the time, according to you?" I ask with a smirk. "True. But still, you look fucking ethereal. Even more so than usual."

Dinah places a black headband with a diamond incrusted flower that I'm pretty sure Lois made with a fishnet veil on my head. "Now you're ready. That conman's gonna drop to the ground once he sees you."

"Oh, he already does." I smile at her. Dinah's sister, Sara walks in, and she just stares, stops in the middle of her sentence. "So I'm taking that as a good sign."

"Yes, it definitely is. You really wore fishnets to your wedding?" She questions with a raised eyebrow, looking at my outfit, diamond-incrusted fishnets and a strapless white corset dress with a slit on the left leg.

I just straight-up snort. "What else would I wear?"

"You know what, Dinah wore fishnets as well. Questionable decision on the fishnet veil, but then again, you look fucking gorgeous in anything."

I finish up with my lips and eyeliner with a wave of my hand over my face, then look at myself in the mirror again. "You look amazing, Zee," Dinah tells me. "Thanks."

Bells start ringing outside. "That's my cue."

Dinah walks me down the aisle because my father is not here on Earth. And, even if he was, he would definitely not even show up out of his sheer hatred for John.

The whole church of superheroes falls silent, and all John does is stare.

He just stares.

I stare back at him in his black suit, a very nice contrast to what he usually wears, the only outfit that I've ever seen him in. Still with the red tie, naturally, but, still very nice.

"You're fucking breathtaking, much more than usual, and I thought that wasn't possible," he mutters. "You're not so bad yourself, John. Ready to see more of this later?" I ask in response with a smirk. "Yes, ma'am," he says breathlessly. "We are gathered together here today to celebrate the unlikely union of these two magic souls. If anyone here objects their marriage, speak now, or forever hold your peace."

I stare into his eyes before looking out into the crowd.

Goddamn, a lot of people are not here...

On my side, I see... Dinah and the rest of the Justice League and Justice League Dark members.

No one from my past, anyone that I knew from before eighteen, they're not here.

Not even my cousin.

I don't care.

On John's side, I see... Chas, Geraldine, and John's kids. Maria and Rose.

Other than that, it's just Lori.

I'm surprised she even showed up.

John took my hands in his and looked at me in the eyes. "It has been requested that I not say the typical vows. You two have some vows on your own."

"Wait, we do?!"

"Shut the- John, just talk. You charmed me, you can certainly do it again," I shoot back under my breath. "Miss Zatara, would you like to go first?"

"Yes. Thank you." I nod my head towards the priest and then continue.

"Alright. Let's go. Why am I marrying you, I honestly don't know, especially after the treatment you gave me over the ten years we've been together on and off. However, the first meeting we had, now that... that put an impression on me, really stood out to me. And for a magician, well, you've got to be one hell of a show to impress me. You might remember this differently, but, here's what I remember about what happened the day we met. I'm doing my show, twenty and stupid, a day or two after I had a one-night stand with Nick the bastard, standing up on the stage, being my usual radiant self while creeps catcall me, and there's this one blonde asshat in a trench coat, red tie, white shirt, and some black pants that screams judgmental fucking playboy that ordered some drink but hasn't touched it since I started performing sitting at a bar next to Dinah. I thought to myself, drink's bound to be warm by now. What the fuck this fool doing? I looked back at him, and well, I halfway expected him to just look away instantly. He didn't. A million things flashed in my mind, and the one that stood out to me the most was the thought: what the actual fuck? This guy's a serious creep. Then I finish my show and vanish after giving my usual cheesy ending line that I'm certain that you've heard about a thousand times."

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