Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It's Saturday, and my parents have agreed to let me spend the night with Miguel. We hadn't done anything together other than kissing, and I told him I wasn't ready to do anything more. He respected my decision because he'd never try to go beyond kissing either. Like my sister, I've never been with either a female or a male. I often make fun of her for being a virgin, but I am as well.

I think we both knew that we wanted it to be memorable. After all, Adelaide is my best friend, and I learn it from her. I'm also still young and have all my life to get that experience. I guess I'm more worried about how it will feel. Is it going to hurt? Is it even possible that I'm gay, because I've never tried to be in a relationship with a woman. I know I like Miguel, and I know I don't really consider a woman's sexual organ attractive in that sense. Should I even be thinking about a person's part in that way though?

I shake my head to clear my mind and return my attention to the television screen. We're playing Mortal Combat, and I'm crushing his ass in the game. Miguel's parents are unaware that he is gay, and I think they believe I am only here as his friend. I don't want to pressure him to tell them, but dating someone in the closet while you're out, is a little more complicated.

Not long ago, I was in the closet. After that breakfast conversation, I eventually came out to my parents. They didn't say, "Oh, we already knew," or anything like that. They simply stated that they loved me and were pleased that I felt comfortable telling them. I don't remember ever being worried about them being against it. I suppose it was more along the lines of, I'm in this house full of females. Do you think they'd despise me if I brought more men? I know Rayden and Dad have male parts, and Dad is gender fluid, but there are moments when I feel outnumbered in the house. Is that weird?

It was fine when Miguel and I were both in the closet since we were hiding together. Now that I'm out, I want to hold his hand in public and claim him as my boyfriend, but I know I can't rush him. I'm fortunate that my parents were understanding; I'm not sure if his parents will be.

I look at him, and he gives me that adorable wide-tooth grin. "Don't smile at me. I'm still pissed at you."

He sighs. "Camden, I'm sorry, okay. I'm just not ready to come out to them. I couldn't care less about the kids at school, but it's my parents. I'm not ready for them to find out," he says, hanging his head low.

I rub his arm, and he brings his eyes to meet mine. "Hey? I'm sorry, I understand. I'm not pressuring you to tell your parents, and I'm not upset about that. I just hate Chase for tormenting everyone, and I dislike looking behind him and watching the person I like and who likes me back do nothing to help."

He nods his head, and I pull him in for a kiss. It's innocent, it always is. Our lips are still connected when the door flies open, and his father walks in. "Hey, you boys want to...." He stops and is shocked by what he sees.

His skin turns pale, and his hand runs over his face as he sighs, "Miguel, why don't you and Camden get yourselves situated and meet me and your mother downstairs. We need to talk." With that, his dad walks out of the room and shuts the door.

I look at Miguel, and he looks as though his whole world is crashing down in front of him. "It's going to be okay," I say, grabbing his hand. "I'll be right here with you."

He nods his head; I quickly send a text to my dad in case this doesn't go well. We both get up to walk downstairs. His parents are sitting on the couch talking low to each other. They look up to us, and his mom gives us a soft smile.

"Papa, I'm sorry I..." but before Miguel can continue, his dad stands up and starts yelling in Spanish. He's taken back from his dad's words as I see the water forming in his eyes. His mom grabs Miguel's father to pull him back, but the hate continues to spew out of his mouth.

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