𝐬𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐬𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝

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i just know it could be a start

"well, here we are. i think i'm gonna fetch some water while i'm at it" Jane said as she walked inside, then heard the sound of a bell ring. "aw, cute" Nancy smiled as she looked up at the bell hanging on the door, causing Jane to chuckle lightly.

"hey... Jane, right?" someone tapped her shoulder as she grabbed a cool water bottle, it was Sodapop. Jane turned around, water bottle in hand. "yup that's me" she grinned. "hey" he smiled. "hi, how're you doing?" she asked, a small tint of blush evident on her soft cheeks. "i'm doin' good, you?" he asked, making eye-contact with her.

"i'm doing good, thank you for asking" she smiled, not even looking for Nancy. Sodapop smiled widely. "i heard you started school t'day, how was your first day?" he asked with a very wide grin. "good," Jane grinned as her cheeks started to darken into a much more darker red, it was clearly very evident now, "school's alright, but i don't like school. oh! i met your brother, Ponyboy" she continued.

"i know, he told me," he nodded. "anyhow, who's the other girl who came in with you?" he curiously asked. "oh that's my sister Nancy, she can be very- peculiar sometimes" she chuckled. "what'd you say?" Nancy spoke from behind her, making Jane scream a bit loud. "nothing!" Jane smiled sheepishly at her sister.

"i know i heard something!" Nancy slapped Jane's shoulder gently. "are y'all done flirting now?" she asked her older sister, crossing her arms with a wide smirk. "we're not flirting!" Jane glared at her, causing Sodapop to chuckle softly. "well what's with-" Nancy was about to point out her cheeks until Jane covered her sister's mouth with her hand. but sickeningly, Nancy licked Jane's palm. "ew!" Jane pulled her hand away and used her knit sweater to clean her palm, barely covered in saliva.

"your sister's hysterical" Sodapop said to Jane, trying to stop himself from giggling. "not really, she's dry," Jane joked, earning a small playful glare from Nancy. Jane cleared her throat, "i meant that my younger sister is very funny and cool". "that's the way i like it," Nancy grinned. "you're gonna pay your things? i'm paying for mine" Nancy chuckled.

"yeah, yeah" Jane nodded as she grabbed her wallet from her sweater pocket. "i'm gonna pay for my stuff first" Nancy said as Sodapop walked over to the counter. Jane nodded again and looked over at the nice car that was in the garage. she was never into cars or such thing, but that yellow mustang just fascinated her a whole lot.

"earth to Jane" Nancy spoke, waving her hand in front of her older sister's face. "ah, i'm here" Jane looked back at her sister. "your turn to pay" Nancy jerked her head over to the counter. "i know" Jane nodded as she walked over to the counter and set the cool water bottle on the counter as she was about to get a few quarters from her wallet. "hey don't worry," Sodapop spoke, "this one's on the house" he said with a wide smile.

"huh?" Jane asked as she looked up at him, admiring his sky blue eyes. "you don't need to pay for this, but just don't let my boss know, he'd fire me" he chuckled. Jane smiled, blushing lightly at the same time. "c'mon Jane, we gotta get home" Nancy barged in, opening the door. "oh yeah.. hold on" Jane nodded and looked back at Sodapop. "will i get to see you again?" he asked, resting his chin on his hand. "hopefully" Jane smiled as she followed Nancy outside.

"wow, wait 'til every single girl in tulsa find out that the most handsome guy in tulsa let Jane Reynolds get a water bottle for free" Nancy chuckled as she started eating her candy. "c'mon Nancy, that isn't that big of a deal" Jane rolled her eyes. "kinda is.." Nancy shrugged. "whatever, now i just gotta finish my homework at home and i'll hopefully get a good night's sleep, that's something i really need" Jane chuckled.

"it's kinda obvious if you ask me" Nancy nodded. "i'd love to drop out of school, then i'd actually get to stay at home" Jane grinned. "me too Jane, me too" Nancy nodded, slinging an arm around Jane's shoulder. "what'dya think of Sodapop?" Jane asked her younger sister as she began to chug the whole water. "he's cool, but i don't like him like y'know... the romantic way just like you do" Nancy shrugged. "it's not that i like him like.. that, but everytime we made eye contact, i could feel like passing out, i just love everything about him" Jane sighed, closing her eyes for a second.

"okay, okay" Nancy rolled her eyes playfully, yet tired of her sister's obvious crush on the very handsome and happy-go-lucky boy. "i think i wanna go to the DX from now on, now i can see Sodapop everyday and even get to know him a bit better" Jane grinned as she opened her eyes.

"yeah, hopefully Cherry and that other girl don't find out or else you'll be dead meat real quick" Nancy snapped her fingers. "that's what you think, but i can't say you're wrong" Jane replied, then put her hair in a low bun. "i know i'm not wrong, i'm always right" Nancy grinned. "shut your trap" Jane giggled.

"rude" Nancy pouted as they arrived at their house. the door was open, so that must've meant that John or Jeannie were inside and just wanted the cool air inside since they didn't wanna waste neither electricity nor money, although they had plenty and plenty of money, what selfish people.

the two girls walked in, being greeted by John and Jeannie. "hey girls, where have you been?" John asked, looking up from the newspaper he was reading. "we were at the store...getting snacks" Jane smiled. "that's fine, but i hope y'all weren't acting like five year olds, y'all are sixteen and old enough to act like descent ladies" Jeannie spoke as she blew her nails that were covered in red nail polish.

"mom, i turn sixteen in a month" Nancy scoffed, rolling her eyes. "whatever" Jeannie responded, her gaze still on her freshly polished crimson red nails. "whatever" Nancy mocked in a very hushed tone to avoid terrible consequences. Jane gently nudged her side. "i'm going to my room, i'm tired" Nancy huffed and walked over to her bedroom. "Jane, c'mere real quick" John instructed, Jane walked over to him.

"yes dad?" Jane asked. "i heard you made friends t'day, are they good people? are they greasers? are they, very affluent?" John asked, obviously asking if they were rich, the type of people he liked. "yes dad, why are you asking?" Jane raised an eyebrow. "y'know, there could be people out there for your money. like for example, Annie, i recall the time where she borrowed your jewelry" John explained. "you have no proof" Jane shook her head.

"Jane, your father knows better than you. he's gone to law school unlike you" Jeannie spoke as she began to use the nail file, wanting to maintain those healthy long nails. "your mother's right, look, Annie stole your diamond necklace i got you once for your thirteenth birthday. i saw it with my two eyes" John nodded as he grabbed his smoke pipe. "i'm tired, i'm going to sleep" Jane huffed as she began to make her way to her room.

as Jane laid down on her bed, she looked at the ceiling, she wondered if her best friend did actually take her diamond necklace, but she also wondered if she could ever have a chance with Sodapop. but Jane shook her head, knowing she'd be more likely not to have a chance with him. but she wouldn't mind if they remained just friends.

hi hi !!! during my road trip, i had so much motivation to write this :))

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hi hi !!! during my road trip, i had so much motivation to write this :))

i went to the thrift store again and bought more movies, so i truly hope those movies give me some inspiration for more books ! (i think i'm having a huge obsession with classic movies)

stay gold ✨

~ alma

𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now