𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

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just understand how i'll be feeling on that day 

Jane knocked on the door, thinking it was a house but with a big party, that clueless girl. a few seconds later, a tall middle-aged man answered the door. "what'dya want?" he asked. "uh um.. may i come inside? it's kinda cold out here" Jane asked, shivering a bit more than she previously did a while ago.

"fine" the man huffed, opening the door a bit wider. "thank you" Jane smiled widely and walked inside, but she was soon starting to regret it when a drunk guy walked over to her. "you look bored baby, wanna have some real fun?" he asked, slinging an arm around her. "i'm good.." Jane gave him an unsatisfied look, but before the drunk guy tried to do anything else, a tall young boy walked over to them. "lay off man" he said, shoving him.

for whatever reason, the drunk guy walked away, probably off to bother another girl. "why hello there doll" the brunette guy greeted Jane nonchalantly. "you gonna start in on me too?" Jane asked with a feisty tone. "perhaps i will, doll" he smirked. "shut up" she crossed her arms, starting to get fed up with the young man. "you don't look like you're from here" he spoke. "yeah, cause i'm not. i'm from nebraska" Jane looked up at him.

"hm, a nebraskan i see.. name's Dallas, but call me Dally" he nodded, then introduced himself. "i'm Jane" she then introduced herself. "Jane.. i like that name" he nodded. "thanks" Jane smiled. "you drink?" he asked. "no, i just wanted to get warm. but i think i gotta get home" she got up. "oh, my buddy could take ya home, he needs someone to talk to anyway" Dallas offered.

"is your friend a drunk pervert?" Jane asked. "no doll," he chuckled,"he's just single". "where is he?" she started looking around, trying to figure out who Dallas's buddy was. "lemme get him, he's probably tryin' to get with some girl" he started walking away, going to find his buddy. Jane waited patiently, humming along to the music that was playing.

"shut your trap, she left you, there's nothin' you can do 'bout it," Dallas said to his friend, who looked a bit tipsy, yet miserable. "anywho, Jane meet my friend Sodapop, Soda this is Jane" Dallas introduced. "hi" Sodapop slurred. "hi.." Jane greeted, not knowing what else to say.

"bring Jane home, she's lost and you gotta get home before Darry finds out you've came here" Dallas pat Sodapop's back gently. "yeah, yeah. fine" he slurred as he slung his arm around Jane. "c'mon man, just go" Dallas shooed him away. "bye-bye" Sodapop said as Jane started walking out the door.

"how does it feel like when the person you truly love leaves you?" Sodapop spoke, unable to walk properly, so he had to hold onto Jane. "i don't know.. i never loved someone like that" Jane looked up at him. "well i do– did. but she got knocked up by some guy, got pregnant with a kid i wanted to raise as my own, but she grabbed her bags and left me. i wanted to marry her"  Sodapop said, almost on the verge of tears.

not knowing what to do or say, Jane took his arm off from her shoulders and gently gripped his hand. "hey, it's okay... i promise you that soon after you'll find a girl who's worth it. you just need to let her go" Jane assured him. "how!?" he asked, looking at her, thinking she was out of her mind. "someone once told me, love is breathing, getting lost in your eyes then forgetting how to breathe" she explained.

"whoever told you that must be crazy. just sayin" he chuckled softly, starting to cheer up. "yeah, my friend Annie told me that. she's really stupid, especially when trying her best to get me or herself with some guy" Jane giggled. "well.. you did almost get picked up by Dallas earlier ago" he smiled softly.

"i did not, i prevented myself from that happening.. but.. this drunk guy did try picking me up, Dallas stopped him before things got worse" Jane recalled. "i could've fought that damn guy, i like fights" Sodapop grinned. "you do?" Jane raised an eyebrow. "mhm, i get in rumbles once in a while" he admitted. "don't you get hurt?" Jane's mouth went agape.

"kinda, but it don't hurt that bad" he responded, flashing her a sheepish smile. "ah, i see" Jane nodded, then she finally spotted her house, but caught Nancy peeking out the window. "uh–are you sure you can make it to your house?" Jane asked with a soft smile. "yeah, i think i can," he nodded. "that's good" Jane smiled a bit wider. "see you tomorrow?" Sodapop asked. "maybe" Jane kissed his cheek as she walked over to her front door.

as Sodapop saw Jane walk away, he placed a hand on the right side of his cheek, feeling.. something abnormal. he just stood in front of her house, astonished.

"Jane, where the heck have you been?" Nancy asked, crossing her arms. "i've been out, i met a few people" Jane yawned. "who'd you meet?" Nancy raised an eyebrow. "i met these two girls, Cherry and Marcia.. then i went over somewhere because it was getting cold and i met this guy named Dallas and this other guy named Sodapop" Jane smiled at the thoughts of Sodapop.

"what kind of name is.. Sodapop?" Nancy raised an eyebrow. "a good one, just like how he looks" Jane smiled. "oh.. you like him?" Nancy grinned. "i just met him, i can't like him right now. he recently broke up with a girl, he really loved her.. but he'll get over her" Jane confessed. "do you know when we've gotta go to school?" Nancy asked, grabbing an apple from the kitchen. "tomorrow, i'm gonna meet up with Cherry and Marcia so that they can show me around. you can come with me as well, but don't dress up like a basket case" Jane said as she walked over to her new room.

"night" Nancy said as she took a bite out of her apple. "night" Jane nodded and closed the door shut.

Jane's only thoughts before going to sleep were Sodapop and Jane's first day of school. soon after, she fell into a deep slumber.

 soon after, she fell into a deep slumber

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surprisee !

get some popcorn because these next chapters are about to get a bit intense (not what you're thinking)

stay gold ✨

~ alma

𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now