6. Friends reunite and familiar cooking

Start from the beginning

Hiruzen: Kakashi, Naruto look at this.

Both of them looked and saw the mark on the child's arm, Kakashi was surprised to see a mark similar to his son's mark, as for Naruto he just started to smile and let a few tears go down his face.

Naruto: It's good to see you again...

Naruto: Captain.

Meanwhile at the "Family"

We can see the Uzumaki-Namikaze family training their children's on how to control the Nine Tails chakra and one of them is being annoying.

Menma: Ughhh this is to hard why can't you just teach us cool jutsu's to fight with.

Said the boy annoyed to his parents.

Kushina: Because Menma we can't do that until your older and have better control over your chakra, and we can't just ignore your training because you said so.

She said looking at her son who just pouted but then herd a sound coming from her daughter.

Mito: ~Hmph like you're one to talk~

She said whispering to herself.

Kushina: And what's that supposed to mean dear?

Mito: Exactly like you said you said 'just because you said so' does that mean just because you or Dad said so you had to leave our older Brother behind.

As she said this both parents had a shocked expression on their faces because she said that they left there son.

Minato: Hunny how do know you have an older brother?

Mito: Hmph I don't need to tell you how I know.

She said looking away from her parent's.

Kushina: Young lady, you don't talk to your Father like that!

She said yelling at her daughter.

Mito: And also...

This got both parents to look at her.

Mito: If you think that when we go back there that he will just be "Ohh my god of course I'm not mad at you" then you're dead wrong, he won't be happy with you two and I'll be damed if you try and force him to be with us, so don't have to high hopes for the 'Family reunion' you were hoping for.

Once she said that she left the training ground ignoring the gobsmacked faces of her parents and brother who had no idea what's going on, while Kushina was thinking.

Kushina: 'She's wrong, he'll welcome us with open arms, right...?'

Back to our regular schedule show...

We now see all of them in a Hospital room with the unconscious blond headed boy laying in a bed with the adults asking Naruto some questions.

Hiruzen: What did you mean by Captain, your saying that this is one of your friend?

Naruto: Yup, this is Meliodas the Dragon Sin of Wrath and Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Kakashi: Ok but why is he wearing the Uchiha Crest and why was he out there?

He asked his son.

Naruto: Well to answer you first question, the reason he's wearing those clothes is because he was reincarnated into an Uchiha.

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