The Little Things I Dislike

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I don't like the way
The wind blow and played
My dark and rugged hair.

I hate when my shoelaces
Were not on the same length
And I have to re-adjust them everyday

If the ants come and
Gathered on my unfinished drink
It makes me so mad.

When I went to bed
Hoping to sleep in peace but
Those unhappy memories come
Preventing me to drift away
I hate it so much I wish I can erase 'em all.

I hate when I want to help people
But ended up distressed for
Silly reasons, adding problems to them.

When I like a person
I hate it after a while I realise
We can never be good friends.

Oh I hate it when I forgot
What I want to remember.

Caramel's Poem ZoneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang