Chapter 17 - Explanations

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AN: Hey guys... This was meant to be posted last night but my wonderful mother switched off the wifi and I lost the whole document oops....


I breathed a sigh of relief after I left Tyler's. I was admittedly nervous about what Stefan had to say. Even Damon.

I knocked on the Salvatore's boarding house door. Stefan opened the door.

"Come on in, Care."

I walked to the lounge and looked around for Damon.

"Looking for me, Barbie?"

"Damon. I should have known that nicknaming would come back soon."

"Oh shut up. Do you wanna know about Klaus or not?"

"Yes. Yes I do. And- I- I'm sorry. I know you don't want pity and this is not pity but I'm sorry for whatever happened last night. We shouldn't have intruded then."

The sarcastic remark that was definitely about to make its way towards me died on his lips and his eyes hardened. He then thought about it for a moment longer and then waved me off.

"Leave that. Grab a drink. Take a seat. And let's start the fucked up story of my life."

His voice was a little sharper than usual but I chalked it up to the excess of nerves he had since last night. I looked towards Stefan and saw that he was also drinking. I was a little shocked as this was the first time I saw both of them having the strongest whiskey they could find in Damon's cabinet.

I sat down with my own drink in hand and looked to the brothers to start their explanation.

It was Damon who started.

"1862. I hadn't gone to join the army yet and there were a few newcomers in town. A family. Two sisters and their brother. It was Kol, Rebekah and Isabella Mikaelson. They were using the name Bathory at the time. I met Isabella first. I was in another fight with our father and I had gone to cool off near a stream. That was where I disappear to sometimes now too. That was the place I first met her.", Damon looked to be lost in the memory.

"She was an exquisite beauty. She was just sitting on a rock when I called out to her. When she turned around, I was faced with the most beautiful, bright brown eyes that looked as though they were chocolate pools, set in a heart shaped face; surrounded by luscious brown hair that appeared red in the light filtering through the trees.", a lovesick smile appeared on his face.

"We became as thick as thieves. She was my best friend and I loved her with everything I had. I soon met Kol and Rebekah who were really protective of her. But it does make sense. She was the supposed baby of the family. We all got along really well and I was just about to confess my feelings-"

He was cut off by a snort from Stefan.

"You want to add something, Stefanie?"

"Yes. Yes I do, Damon. You see, Caroline. My brother was completely in love with Izzy and everyone could see it except her. He always had the lovesick look he was sporting just now while talking to her or about her. And whenever someone told him to confess, to propose, to say something to her, he would chicken out. Even our father approved of his choice! It went on for two years!", Stefan snickered at the end of his sentence.

Even I hid a smile behind my hand. Who knew? The casanova was scared to confess to the woman he loved even after the approval from her own family.

"Whatever.", Damon rolled his eyes and continued with his story.

"Anyway. Is- sorry. Bella, used to talk about another brother of theirs, Nik, whom we now know as Klaus. Apparently he was in England at the time. She used to talk very fondly about him and also once let it slip that he and Kol somewhat raised her. It was just a little later when everything went downhill. That was the year Miss Katherine Pierce made an appearance. We didn't know at first but she was compelling both me and Stefan. Sowing seeds of discord between us. She couldn't accept that Bella was in our lives. So she compelled me to hate her. But the fight that Bella and I had was the worst. I called her names that I never should have. I called her selfish when she was the most selfless person I had ever met. I told her to die and remove herself from my life. And the worst thing was that I couldn't blame Katherine for the words I said because they were my own. The day she left, I didn't talk to her. Didn't even look at her. I saw her heartbroken expression. But. I didn't do anything. I- I didn't even try to stop her. When I first turned, I tried to find Isa and tell her how sorry I was. Beg for her forgiveness. Tell her how much I needed her. I didn't want to see her walk away from me. Ever. It killed me to think that I was the one who walked away after insulting her so horribly."

By the end of his story, we were all in tears. Though Stefan did look very angry.

"How could you?! How could you do that to her, Damon? Do you even realise how heartbroken she really was? She loved you Damon. I think she still does. I hope you have a very good explanation for her. And Klaus. And Kol, Rebekah. And every other family member she has.", Stefan exploded.

Damon just hung his head and let Stefan say whatever he wanted.

I wasn't sure what to do then. Damon did look very remorseful.

"Stefan. Stefan! Calm down. You shouting at him doesn't help us right now."

"You're right. You need to talk to her. Alone. Fix this."

He directed the last part to Damon and stormed out of the house.

"I will.", Damon whispered, and left the room.

Well then. I had not expected this but I'm glad I know what exactly happened. My phone beeped, signalling a text. I saw it was from Bonnie. She asked me to come to the Grill at exactly 12. I huffed and said I'd be there. Looking at the time, I saw I had only 15 minutes. Better get going.

AN: Thank you for over 1.1K reads!! When I started this, I never thought it would reach these many reads... Criticism is always welcome.

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