Headcanon voices for the original characters

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This is how I picture all my characters sounding, so if you've ever wondered here ya go

Y/N Fuchs

He sounds like Otto from "The Long Long Holiday" since he's mature for his age I want to go with a slightly deeper, more adult voice for him.

Jakob Fuchs

Jakob's voice is specifically Colonel Von Krieger's "nice" voice. The voice he puts on around the kids and uses when he's talking about his flowers.

Fritz Fuchs
Look at the video for Y/N, it's the skinnier German soldier at the begging. Basically that but he's nicer

Helga Fuchs

Older lady, kinda a milf, ngl.

Herman Fuchs

Going for the "asshole of the highest order" thing with him, that'll show up later.

Henry Dinhaltz

British guy, British soldier, just kinda sense to me.

Angela Siesmalnächt

Beautiful voice for a beautiful lady, we'll definitely be seeing some issues with her later on

Heinz Deroldin

The cool and collected friend, if he hadn't been killed he'd have probably made officer to be quite frank.

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