Left behind

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Loona POV
That little shit, why was that glare so scary?! I'm not sure but I'll set his record straight! I'm watching him today, yesterday he scared me away, but if he tries it again I'll beat his ass senseless. I walk into the office, and he's, sweeping? What?

Loona: why're you sweeping?

Y/N: This place is a pig sty! Were you four raised in a barn or something?! It's filthy!

He said then immediately went back to sweeping and getting the office cleaned up, what the actual fuck? Did he just call me a pig?

Loona: Did you just call me a pig?

Y/N: In a roundabout way I guess but that's not what I intended, I'm just focused on getting this mess of a office cleaned up!

So he not only admitted it, but didn't even have the courtesy to try and apologize for it! Oh the guts on this prick, I'm ready to put him in his place!

Several hours earlier
I look around the office that I've found myself working in, and I can see it's not at all clean. This place is a sty! I start running around my smaller office, getting everything perfectly organized and neatly cleaned up. I step out of my office to stretch, because yes, and see it's just as dirty.


I grab a vacuum, broom, a mop for some reason, finally some garbage bags are grabbed and I start cleaning. I'm moving fast, faster then I thought I could. Soon the hallway is clean, now for the bathroom. It's actually not that bad, but I have army standards of cleaning so it's still not acceptable. I do my thing, get it done and over with. Soon it's time for the big one, time to clean the lobby, oh boy. It's not that bad as well, but still unacceptable. I walk around and start sweeping the floor as Loona and Blitz enter. Loona looks at me and asks

Loona: why're you sweeping?

Y/N: This place is a pig sty! Were you four raised in a barn or something?! It's filthy!

She looked at me with a very pissed off look and asked me

Loona: Did you just call me a pig?

Y/N: In a roundabout way I guess but that's not what I intended, I'm just focused on getting this mess of a office cleaned up!

She gives me a very pissed look, even moreso then before, and walks to her desk. The other three give me a look of, 'you dun fucked up boy,' and went about their business, whether it be making sure their personal weapons are clean, existing, or something like that. I finish up the office cleaning and say loudly,


Then I put the stuff back and go to my office, seeing my well organized cabinets of gun parts I'd need for the small arms I'd need.

Y/N: Ahh! I'm ready for the day!

I said and got to work, well if you can classify sitting on my arse reading books as work cause of how bored I am. December second, do they have Christmas down here? I hope so, I wanna see some Tannenbaum, and sing some Christmas songs. Stille Nacht, o Tannenbaum, all of them. And I finally won't have a shit father hounding me to say my prayers to avoid Krampus, but now that I think about it I'm in hell, Krampus is a demon, does that mean they exist? I shake my head, I'm not going to think about it. Soon there's a knock on my door, and the white spotted imp I call a boss poked his head in.

Blitz: Hey Herr Shultz,

Y/N: that was my officer

Blitz: whatever, we're going on a mission, don't get an std or anything random like that

Y/N: I wear a geeky uniform regularly, my glasses are effectively birth control, I smell like an old cow, and I can't go five minutes without wanting to die, who the fuck would want to sleep with me?

Blitz: okay fair enough, and also, if you hurt Loonie your fucking dead you hear?

Y/N: crystal clear boss

He leaves, so I write in my diary, and relax, well until the lunch bell rings. They weren't back yet so I'm assuming it's not going so well. I walk to the staff kitchen and find a bag with my name on it. That's odd. I open it and find a note from Mills. She's a doll. It's a sandwich, some soup, a bottle of water, some weird thin sliced fried potato pieces, and some, crystal light? I walk to the lobby.

Y/N: Hey Lo-

Loona: the fuck do you want twerp?

Y/N: what's crystal light?

Loona: are you stupid?

Y/N: we don't have it in the living world

Loona: Jesus are all of you fuck heads in the living world this idiotic?

Y/N: I'm just asking a question, don't need to be a bitch about it

Loona: it's for flavoring water, there ya happy?

Y/N: Well not really

Loona: it was a rhetorical question, fuck off

I decided it'd be a smart idea to leave her alone, so I walk to the office I claim as my own. Why, why am I attracted to her? She obviously hates my guts, why would she like me? I decided to shake it off, and started humming songs to myself as I ate the food from my small coworker. I think about life as I hear a sound from the lobby, a loud squelching noise. I walk out and see the three all covered in blood, and spreading it everywhere.


Blitz: ?


Blitz: oh, yeah sorry about that


They all look at me, confused, and I think Blitz might've pissed himself a little.

Blitz: weeeelllll, I'm going to go home and change, shall we call it a day?

Millie and Moxxie left, guess he wants to get pegged or something. Loona got up.

Loona: I'm getting drunk, bye losers

Y/N: bye Loona

Loona: bye dipshit

She and blitz leave, then I go to my office, wanting to sketch. It was a boring day after that. At night I went to sleep, because, sleep, but I wished I didn't

Chapter End

The Kraut in Hell {rewrite} (Helluva Boss Loona x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now